Chapter One

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Picture of Marigold with her bright pink lipstick on! :)


Ami stood on the beach with six month old Caleb on her hip. Billy and Rain stood beside her, looking at the group of people in front of them. The brothers and their partners, along with Bird, were getting ready to head to town for the bonfire tonight. They had to leave in time enough to get there before the sun went down. Then they'd be spending the night in town on the boat. Ami was watching Caleb for the night.

"You guys be careful tonight, you hear me?" Ami warned. "We all remember what happened last time you went to one of these."

Matt and Lorelei looked at one another, giving knowing glances. It was true. Last time they had gone to one of those, they'd almost lost one another for good.

"Belle, no alcohol. You're not supposed to drink when you're pregnant," she instructed. "Actually, no alcohol at all. For anybody. The Browns don't drink."

"Yes ma'am," everybody replied at once.

"And I'm not too keen on Bird joining y'all. Please watch over her," Billy spoke up.

"I'll watch over her Da," Bam reassured him.

The women rolled their eyes at Billy and Bam's protective nature. Bird was 21. She deserved a bit of freedom once in a while. They had all spoken to her about it more than once and she agreed that she wanted to get out and go to town more. She wanted to be like girls her age. Angel was only 2 years older than her and she was allowed to do it, so why couldn't she?

After goodbyes were through, the group of 11 piled into the skiff and rode out to where the Integrity was anchored. They climbed aboard and after working together to pull the anchor up and tie the skiff to the back, they took the one hour travel to Hoonah. The sun was just dropping below the horizon when they reached their destination.

The very first thing they noticed was the large cruise ship that was anchored out past the docks.

"Looks like this thing is going to be busier than usual," Gabe said.

"Hey, the more the merrier!" Matt said before hooping and hollering and hopping off the side of the boat. Lorelei followed after him, his arm draped across her shoulder. They both followed the light of the bonfire through the trees.

Two by two the couples exited the boat until Bam and Addie were the last ones. Bird rolled her eyes. Bam was waiting for her to leave the boat so he could follow behind and spy on her. She would be damned if he ruined this night for her by being an overprotective older brother.

Trying to ignore him, she jumped onto the dock and practically ran off in the direction the others went in. She could hear Bam's fast footsteps following behind her. Then what she heard next made her laugh. Addie was yelling at him to leave Bird alone.

"Thanks Addie!" Bird called behind her, continuing down the path.

"You're welcome!" Addie yelled back.

"BIRD!" Bam screamed after her.

She giggled and broke into a jog, leaving the couple behind.

When she came across the field that the bonfire was in she couldn't help but stop dead and stare at the area in awe. The light of the fire was reflecting off of the many bodies surrounding it. There were trucks off to the side, one of them with large speakers in the back booming out music. Some people were standing with solo cups in their hands. Others were dancing, seeming to have the time of their lives.

After the initial shock wore off, she automatically ran off to the truck that was serving drinks. She picked up a cup and guzzled it down, thinking it was soda. She was never more wrong. It burned her throat, making her cough and spit out the liquid.

"Bird! What're you doing?" Lorelei questioned, slapping the cup out of her hand.

"I-I thought it was soda!" she explained.

Lorelei just stared at her unbelieving. She knew she was a bit sheltered, but she didn't know she was that naïve.

A small giggle was heard from the side. "Honey, that is definitely not soda," a voice said.

Lorelei and Bird turned to face the voice. Out of the shadows stepped a gorgeous brunette young woman. Her brown eyes were none like Bird had seen before. A faint black color lined the brown, making them pop. She was wearing a leather jacket, her lips painted a bright pink.

"Yeah...I figured that out the hard way," Bird said.

"No more, you got it?" Lorelei instructed.

"You got it!"

"Alright, if you need me, I'm not going to be far. Don't make me come back over here."

Bird rolled her eyes at Lorelei's protective nature as she walked away.

"Protective older sister?" the unknown girl wondered.

"Sister in law actually. She's married to my oldest brother. See all those guys over there staring my way? Yeah, those are my brothers," she said.

"Geez! You've got a whole freaking army over there watching you."

Bird giggled and stuck out her hand. "I'm Bird Brown," she introduced herself.

"Bird? What an interesting name," the young woman replied, shaking her hand. "I'm Marigold Phelan, but my friends know me as Mari."

There was a small moment of silence between the two as they stared at the fire.

"So, I haven't seen you around here before. Are you off the cruise ship?" Bird broke the silence.

"Is it that obvious? Am I throwing off the tourist vibe?" Marigold questioned.

Bird giggled. "No! Not at all! It's just, this is a small town and everybody knows everyone."

"See, that's what I like about this town. Where I'm from, you only really know the people in your neighborhood. It's really a shame that we're departing at 10:00 tonight. I've only got an hour left to take this all in."

Her eyes scanned the area and she let out a deep sigh.

"Well let's make that last hour count," Bird said, holding out her hand. "Come with me."


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