Chapter Fourteen

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Bird woke up the next morning feeling super hot. Upon opening her eyes, she realized that her and Marigold had fallen asleep while cuddling last night. Trying not to wake her up, she moved Marigold's hand off of her and got up so she could get ready for the day.

When she exited the bathroom, Marigold was just rousing. She reached her hands above her head and groaned.

"What time is it?" she mumbled.

"Nine o'clock," Bird answered. "Time to get up and going, sleepy head."

"You should've woken me up sooner."

Bird shrugged. "You looked comfortable."

Marigold got up and came over to Bird. She leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

"You're too good to me," she smiled. "Give me a couple of minutes and I'll be ready to go."

Fifteen minutes later, they were checking out of the lodge and heading down to the dump, hand in hand. Marigold couldn't help but smile when they entered the dump. This had been the first place they had gone when they met one another. They had created targets and shot arrows. She would never forget that day.

"What're you smiling about?" Bird asked, looking over at her.

"I'm just remembering the first time I ever met you."

Bird blushed. "I remember. You were wondering why in the world I brought you to the dump in the first place."

"Yeah, I'll admit, I thought it was a little weird at first. But it ended up being fun in the end."

"Well well well, look who it is!" a voice yelled from across the junkyard.

Bird looked up to see Kenny walking towards them. She pulled her hand from Marigold's quickly. Marigold felt a bit of a sting in her heart, but she understood what Bird was going through. She was new at this and wasn't quite comfortable yet, especially where she hasn't told her family yet.

"Hey Kenny!" Bird greeted him.

"What's going on, girl? I heard you were out of town, you back now?" he asked.

"Sure am. I'm just looking for a way to get back home."

"Well if you don't have a way back, I've got some time! Elijah is here today, so he can take over the place while I'm gone."

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt your day."

Kenny swiped his hand in front of him, telling her it was nothing. "Just let me tell him I'm leaving. Why don't you meet me at the docks? My skiff is where it always is."

"You got it! Thanks Kenny!"

The girls walked to the dock. Bird could hear her heart beating in her ears. She was getting more nervous. They were getting closer and closer to the moment when she would reveal one of her biggest secrets to her family.

Kenny joined them on the dock about ten minutes later. They all piled into the skiff and took off for the hour journey to Browntown.

"Now, I don't believe I've ever met you before. You are?" Kenny asked, looking at Marigold as he navigated the skiff.

Marigold reached her hand out. "Mari, nice to meet you," she said.

Kenny shook her hand. "How do you two know one another?"

Bird and Marigold looked at one another. Marigold nodded for Bird to tell him what she wanted to. This was her friend, she could reveal what information she wanted to.

"I actually met her when she came into Hoonah on a cruise, that day of the bonfire. We tried to keep in contact when she left, but things didn't go too well. But we ended up somehow running into one another in Ketchikan and now here we are!" Bird explained.

"Well I think that's awesome! Your family will be happy to have you back and to have a visitor!"

Bird nodded and looked out at the water. The rest of the ride was silent and next thing they knew, they were pulling into the bay of the island. Kenny pulled as close as he could and Bird and Marigold stepped out.

"Thank you so much Kenny," Marigold said.

"Don't mention it! You guys come back to town and visit soon okay?"

"Of course! See ya later Ken!" Bird said, already heading into the woods.

Marigold had to practically run to keep up with her. She was trying to take in the environment but was more focused on watching where she was going. She was sure she'd get a tour soon enough.

In the distance, Marigold could see a group of structures. Bird stopped just shy of the opening of the trail. Marigold watched fascinated as Bird threw her head back and led out a loud howl. There was a moment of silence and then a loud group of howls echoed back to her. Bird turned around and smiled at her.

"We're home!" she exclaimed, holding out her hand. "Let's go!"

Marigold giggled and took her hand, running to the opening of the trail. Now was the moment of truth.


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