Chapter Four

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It was two weeks later when Birdy finally found a quiet place to sit down. She had done nothing but think for the past fourteen days and she couldn't get Marigold out of her head. She needed to get ahold of her again.

With a pen, piece of paper and envelope clipped onto a clipboard, she snuck off into the forest. She walked down the path a bit until she could no longer here the sounds from the main camp. She sat down on a tree stump and began the letter with trembling hands.

Dear Mari,

I don't know if you remember who I am. We met just two weeks ago in the small town of Hoonah when you traveled in on your cruise ship. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get ahold of you. It's taken a lot of courage to sit down and write this letter. You see, you've opened up another world to me. It seems like everything is finally coming together. I'm starting to understand myself better than I ever did. I honestly cannot thank you enough. Meeting you was a blessing. I really had fun that night and I hope that last hour was one you remembered. I wish you had been able to stay longer. I've done a lot of thinking these past two weeks and you've been one of the main things on my mind. So tell me, how are you doing? How was the rest of your trip? I would love to hear about it. It would be wonderful if you sent me a letter back.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Bird Brown

Looking down at the piece of paper in her hand, she couldn't help but smile. After writing that letter, she felt so much better. And now all she wanted to do was send it to Marigold. The sooner she got it, the better. She couldn't wait to hear from her.

Getting up from her spot, she skipped off to the main cabin. There she found Rainy sitting at the table. Spread out in front of her were tons of craft items – popsicle sticks, beads, flowers, crayons, anything you could name. That's when she got the idea. She plopped down next to her sister and smiled largely. Rainy didn't look up from her work.

"I can feel you staring," the teenager told her. "What do you want?"

"Geez, somebody's sassy this afternoon," Bird observed. "I was just going to ask you to help me with something special. But if you don't want to..."

"No no! What is it?" she asked, looking up and suddenly interested.

"Mom, do you have an envelope?" Bird asked her mother, who was standing at the kitchen counter working on tonight's dinner.

"Of course I do. Let me get it for you," Ami replied. "What're you girls up to?"

"I have no idea. She hasn't told me anything," Rain said. "So are you going to tell me or not?"

"I need to send a letter to a friend and I wanted you to help me make it something that sticks out. I want to decorate the envelope and I wanted you to help," Bird said.

"Seriously? You were that excited about decorating an envelope?"

"Where has my baby sister gone?"

"Your baby sister has turned into a teenager."

"Who has turned into a brat," a male voice added.

They looked up to see Matt walking into the house. He smirked at his sisters but that smirk quickly disappeared when Lorelei came up behind him and slapped him in the head.

"Will you quit making fun of your sisters? Rain is not a brat. She is a teenager."

"Yeah, a teenager who is starting to act like you did when you were her age, Princess," Matt chuckled.

Lorelei glared at him and stepped towards him. His eyes went wide and he gauged his chance to escape. With a quick step of his feet, he ran out the door, Lorelei on his heels. Bird and Rain giggled.

"What just happened?" Ami wondered as she entered the room. She set the envelope on the table.

"Matt was just being Matt," Bird explained.

Ami rolled her eyes with a small laugh and went back to work on dinner.

"So, why are you so excited about this letter? Why is it so important?" Rain asked her sister.

"Because it's going to a friend, a friend who means a lot to me," she answered.

"What friend? Have I ever met them? You haven't even told me about them."

Bird took a deep breath and let it out. She didn't want to explain to Rain what had happened two weeks ago. She was only fourteen and the only person who knew was Lorelei. She wasn't ready to tell anyone else.

"No, you haven't met them. It's just somebody I met at the party. I just wanted to send them something nice," she finally said.

"Oh. Well why didn't you say that?" Rain wondered.

Bird rolled her eyes. "Just help me decorate this envelope."

Together the girls decorated the envelope. And when they were finished, Bird tucked the letter inside and licked it closed. With a couple of sweeps of her pen, she put the address on the front and stuck a stamp in the right corner. She looked at it with a small smile.

"Well what're you waiting for? Let's go to town and get that letter sent!" Ami said.

Bird looked up at her mother with a grin. "Really? Now?"

"I can see you're excited so it's clear this is important to you. Let's go send that letter."


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