~|7|~ (UNEDITED)

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Shannon's PoV

The concert was amazing but me and Kendal had to be one of the last ones to go because we were at the front
"Mam " a deep voice broke me out of my concentration on my phone , I look up to see a security man staring at me and Kendal , I shuffle in my seat feeling uncomfortable
" oh sorry we were just going to wait until everyone has gone " Kendal said
" no no no, follow me " the man said and he took of to the side door , me and Kendal stared at each other , both giving the same glances as we stepped of our seats to go and find the security man .
He lead up throw a door and told us to sit down on the sofa and that we could help out self to snacks and the tv , as soon as he left me and Kendal were gawking at each other
" okay what is going on ? " Kendal asked reaching out for a Pringle that was laying in a bowl on the coffè table .
" I don't know , might as well make the use of it " I reach for the Remote and turn the tv channel , how I met your mother was playing ( my fav show ) I sat back and watched how robin and Barney fought about which county is better , Canada or America .
A few minuets passed when there was a knock at the door and the security man was back
" who is Shannon ?" He asked , I raised my hand " ah you um follow me " I stood up looking back at Kendal then following the guard , he lead me threw another door and into a smaller room , I heard the door close after me , I was left alone , I was still contemplating on what is going on , i walked over to the wall where there were photos of all the people who had played here .
The door opend again with my back faced towards it .
" Shannon ?" A deep raspy voice said , I stood frozen for a minute not wanting to look up at the person .
I slowly lifted my head to be greted by Harry styles , smiling at me , he walked up to me and gave me a hug
" why didn't you tell me you were coming ?" He asked still buried in the hug
" I wanted to surprise you " he lifted out of the hug and just looked at me .
The smiling from both of us went on for ages until we heard the door open again
It's was ......
Hey guys , thank you so much for 50 reads , I hope your enjoying it xx

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