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A week later
Shannons POV
It's finally happening , I'm in the taxi with Justin , head rested on his broad should as I scroll through my Instagram . I think I might love Justin , I know in stories people are like , I love Harry but I'm dating Justin because of fame , I'm not I think I genuinely like Justin . He's not like People set him out to be , he's kind , nice and adorable.

I feel my eyes drift to sleep as a warm hand rest on my shoulder , shaking me gently, I then feel warm air fan on my face as someone lips kiss my cheek , a smile drifts on my face as the warm lips disappear .
I lift my head to see Justin looking down at me , smiling , " morning beautiful " he says leaning in and pecking me on the lips , my eyes wonder to the window and the scean out side .
" where are we ? " I say , yawning as aloud as possible , I hear a laugh escape Justin's mouth as I stop yawning , " aw, your so cute " he said " and we are at Brighton arena , for the first show " , he says , he smiles as he takes my hand and rushes me outside .

" where are we going ? " i say in fits oh laughter ,
" too are dressing room , duh " he says Turing back to me and giving me a slight smirk , he turned back and released my hand , " race ya" I hear him call as he speeds to the entrance .

I catch up to him as he struggles to open the door , I laugh as I swat him aside and grab the door handle , with one easy pull it was open , I laugh had I hear Justin curse under his breath , walking inside , " you know I loosened that up for you " he says grabbing my hand and walking to my side ,

A smile forms on my face on how competitive he is , " of corse you did baby " I said reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek but at the last minute he turned his head so I kissed his lips
" oi , oi ! " I hear someone call from down the hall , I turn to see Louis smiling at me ,
" Louis ! " I run towards him and leap into his arms , he gently releases me to the ground then gave me a tight hug .

" you coming in the dressing room ? " Louis asks pulling away , I feel an arm lace around my waste , " Ye , Ye we are " Justin says , taking me to the direction of the dressing room , I hear Louis footsteps behind me .

As I entered the dressing room , I saw everyone , Niall was beating Liam on a Xbox game , Lou is setting up her makeup and hair station and Harry is laying on the sofa , eyes glued to his phone ,
" uh hum , guys , Shanon and Justin are here " I hear Louis call behind me .

Suddenly I felt four pairs of arms on me and Niall and Liam hug me at the same time ,
" wanna play the game with us ? " Niall ask , o turn to Justin and he nods , I smile and give him a peck on the cheek.

Let's just say I beat Niall and Liam in about ten games , " I am the master , bow down to me ! " I say rising from the sofa and looking down on Niall and Liam , they laugh and they get down on there knees .
" 30 minutes until show" i hear through the speakers , " okay lads who's first for hair and makeup ?" Lou asked , I raised my hand , getting laughs from everyone , " me " Niall said leaping up to the chair ,

I walk up to Lou , " lou can I help with hair ? , I used to work at a hair dresser before it got closed down " I say , a smile creeps on her lips , " oh corse hunny , the hair stuff of to your left , saves me a job " she then walked away to play a game on the Xbox.

" okay Niall do you want your normal hair or shall I brade it ? " I ask smirking a him , " oh , can we all have a brade on our left side ", Niall asks turning to the boys to get there agreement , the boys all said a Ye and turned back to what they were doing .

I had done the brade on Liam Louis Niall and Justin and all that was left to do was Harry , " Harry your turn " I call , I hear a sigh as he slumps on the chair , I brush his hair and start to do his braid , " how's Justin ? " he asks with no emotion , " he's good thank you " i say smiling as I look over at Justin , " I can treat you better " Harry says " then he can ! " I carrying singing the song , irritating Harry ,

I tied the braid and starts to walk away when his wrist grabbed mine , pulling me to him , his eyes had turned darker , I didn't know what to do , " JUSTIN " I scream ? I hear Justin running towards me , pulling Harry away from me , he then pulled me to the side and held me while I cried , why was I crying ?
Maybe I do like Harry

Hey guys . Sorry for late update I have to revise for my exams , thanks for 1k reads !

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