~| 13|~

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I felt a hand on my back I start to make my way into the crowd of fans, I turn to see a bulky man , he had a smile planted on his face,
" are you Shannon " ? The man asked moving me out the crowd so I could here him better , I must of looked confused because he let go of my back and outstretched his hand ,
" I'm Paul , Harry called me to get you into your apartment because " he looks or into the screaming wod of fans then back at me " ye you get the deal " I shake his hand and smile warmly at him , he takes my hand and pulls me closer to him for protection .
I pull my jacket closer to my body as the Brighton breeze hit me as Paul starts to guid me to my apartment .
We suddenly stop at the gate and Paul looks down at me ,
" what's the pin love ? " he asked
" 22567" I say barely above a whisper , I don't know if he heard me but when I heard the gate click I look straight ahead of me .
I start to walk up to my apartment but I look back at Paul ,
" thank you " I say tying my best to sound thankful and loud , he nods his head and smiles , the wind picking up as he tells me to go inside .
I walk in the apartment doors, greeting Lenny at the desk as I walk to the lift .

The door dings and opens , I walk to my apartment to see That my door was left wide open , as I walk in everything is gone , my tv , my sofa .
I walk around my apartment to check everything and it is all gone .
" hey "
A voice behind me brings me back and I turn around to see Harry grinning widely, he's wearing a plain black t-shirt layered with and black trench cloak , black skinny Jeans and black hunter Welles, I smile as I look at his windswept hair ,
" thank you " I mange to say , he smiles warmly and walks into the room ,
" the van is out back , me and the lads can help you unload at your new place if you want ? " he asks shoving his hand into his jacket ,
" you really don't have too , you have done enough already "
" we want to " he smiles , his dimples showing which makes me smile , we stare at each other for what seems like ages until my phone goes off , I reach into my jeans to get the object .
My smile drops as I see the caller ID , I feel Harry's eyes on me , full of concern,
" Shan who is it ? "

Heya , omg I am so shocked at how many people are reading my story , sorry I haven't updated I was on a trip with the school , who do you think Jason is ?

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