Ch.4 Sleepover

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When I open my apartment door with no key because the lock is broken, I forget to do a quick check before letting my boss roam right in.

By the time I've scanned the dirty dishes, my cheap 'sleepy' night dress on the couch with my old underwear and Mr. Fox curled up... on said underwear... Theo has waltzed passed me.

He doesn't politely enter, he was angry and tired and wanted to get this work done.

And me, well... I was already very red in the face.

"Um, so, welcome to my apartment – I mean, my place. That I rent. From a friend – cheaply. Not illegally, I swear. Just cheaper rent because she's a good family friend –"

"You have a laptop?" Theo buds in, after looking over my place with what must be mild disgust, he looks over his shoulder to glare at me.

"Yes. I said I did. I didn't lie to you, it's here. Um, no it's not. Oh, it should be in my room –"

"Go get it, please, Wren," Theo interrupts me again and now I'm not just embarrassed, I'm flustered and annoyed. He didn't have to be so rude!

I hop my way over nervously to Mr. Fox, I pick him up by grabbing the underwear and also my nighty.

"Sorry," I mutter under my breath and then quickly run into my room, placing Mr. Fox onto the bed. However, my kitten gets up suddenly, stretches and jumps down onto the floor. As I throw my underwear towards the washing basket, I've throw it nervously and it falls short... right onto Mr. Fox's back. He continues to prance out the door.

"Mr. Fox!" I yell out, so utterly embarrassed now.

What else could possibly go wrong?

I run out the door, to chase him and barely manage to snatch my underwear off his back just as I look up guiltily to Theo who is settled on the couch.

For once I'm lucky, he is looking at his phone, a very serious look upon his face as he reads a text. At least he didn't witness Mr. Fox try to run off with my dirty undies. I glare at my kitten who pauses in his stride, a paw raised as his eyes widen at the sight of another guest.

I watch in amusement as he works out whether to sniff my boss' shoes but then gives Theo his back and jumps on the opposite couch's top to sit and watch from afar. He looks down upon Theo, seemingly not impressed with the intruder.

"Cute," I mutter as I turn back into my room and find my laptop on my bedside table.

I come back out and shut the door – my bedroom was a whole other mess he didn't need to see.

"Maybe order some food to get delivered," Theo meets my gaze, a dazed look in his eye, "This might take a while."

"Is everything okay?" I ask seriously, aware something has happened. Whatever he read in that text was affecting him.

"Not really, but it doesn't matter... thanks," Theo is happy when I hand him the laptop.

He opens his brief case and takes out all the papers.

I turn away, completely confused as I look for some menus I have stored in one of my kitchen draws of the nearby restaurants.

What the hell was up with Theo? He came in ready to rush home, now he seemed shell shocked and was suggesting that it would take a while? I half expected him to leave after an hour or so and leave the rest to me. However, I get a nagging feeling that he needed some support. So I'd do my best to cheer him up.

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