Ch.21 Listen & Learn

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Listen & Learn

We're both pretty much silent as we head up to my apartment and even though it is a comfortable silence, my mind runs riot. I keep thinking about the fact that it was Friday night, so that meant we could sleep in. It meant Theo could stay as long as he wanted Saturday, unless he had plans.

It both excited me and freaked me out that the possibilities of tonight were endless.

I was also inexperienced with guys staying over, and even though we had done this a couple of times already... I knew things could change quickly.

I reach my door first and punch in the password to the new coded lock.

It opens with ease. I look up at Theo with excitement and he puts a hand on my lower back to usher me inside.

"Your training may have been put on hold while we were eating out with my old folks," Theo mutters quietly as I step into the apartment.

"Oh," I'm guided further forward after he closes the door behind us and we stop walking just past the kitchen bench. I turn to face him and bite my bottom lip as I add, "I kinda figured that."

Theo lifts up a finger, tracing the tip along my forehead, he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear for me. All the while my hands are fidgeting together in front of me as I attempt to clasp them together but fail the first three attempts.

Yeah he made me nervous... in a good way.

"Hmmm?" I ask, wondering what he is thinking so intensely about. Theo is gazing into my eyes, his own searching mine deeply.

"Many dominants don't allow the submissive to make eye contact... but your eyes are far too beautiful for me to ignore. And you'd get far too nervous if I asked you to do that," he smirks at his last comment.

"What on earth would I be nervous about if you told me not to meet your eyes?" I ask, half chuckling as Theo continues to run his fingers through a few curled strands of hair, tugging on them gently as he talks to me.

"Even if I put the demand on you, I know you. You'd constantly break that rule, without even meaning to, you'd instinctually meet my eyes to try and work out what I'm thinking. And I'd consistently have to punish you," Theo's voice drops an octave and his eyes darken. I know he is thinking about what he could do to me... and suddenly my feet feel very flighty.

I hop a little from foot to foot and my eyes assess the carpet in depth. Hmmm, dark stain there... dirt from my shoes there... ha.... I'm sure that's what Theo thought I was doing.

But I was actually trying to process how direct Theo wanted to be with me right now.

How things were already changing so fast.

I catch my breath.

I can't even deal.

The reality of what I've agreed to, suddenly hits me all at once.

"Oh lordy lordy..." I whisper, and when Theo's fingers momentarily let go of my curled ringlet of hair, I spring backwards and turn from him, "Mr. Fox! Where are you! I argh, forgot to feed you, didn't I buddy?" I spin and look around. I see him sprawled on the carpet by the window, gazing at me while stretched out on his back, his paws curled up near his face, "Oh, aren't you a cutey-pie?" I get down on my knees and crawl towards him, giving him a belly rub. I avoid Theo's gaze and his unmoved stance, which I see from the corner of my eye as I sit so I face both of them.

"Lying is off the list of things I'll allow you to do, sweet cheeks," Theo's tone drops an octave as I avoid his gaze. I still don't bother to look at him. I pretend to be completely absorbed with Mr. Fox's need for love.

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