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"YA!" I yelled. " Stop right there!" The person I was running after turned round and stuck its tongue out t me.

 "What are you? 12?" after he made fun of me, he turned back round and jumped over this big wall. You've got to be kidding me. What even is this? It's like he's not human. I tried my best to jump over this 20 foot wall. Yup you herd me. 20 foot wall. I barely mange to pull myself up. Crap! I lost him. 

I took a short cut back to my house. There was a slight breeze. Then, the temperature started to drop. Whats going on? Why is it getting colder in the middle of August? I started to shiver. It was so cold i could see my breath.

 "Ha ha ha." An eerie voice laughed. I turned round to see who it was but nothing was there. I'm starting to really freaked out now, but I didn't show it. I put my brave face on and called out. 

"Who's there?" Nothing answered. I called out a second time. 

"Anyone there?" Again no answer. I probably just imagined it. I turned back round and start to walk. All of a sudden I froze in my spot. A chill ran down my spine.

 "I'm your worst nightmare." Sid a voice. I couldn't break free from my spot.

 "What? Got to be some where soon? Stay while. I wanna have some fun!" Well not me. Finally able to move gin. I ran in a dead sprint not looking back. THUD. What hit me? I looked up to see what I had hit. A girl? 

"Ms? Are you okay?" I said as I helped her up. 

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Why were you running so fast?"

 "Well there is a weird guy down that alley way. I advised not going down there."

 "Oh. Thanks for that." She said with a smile. Whoa. She has a pretty smile. 

"Well see ya." We both went our separate ways. As I walked off I kicked something. I looked down to find a tube of lipstick. I guess she dropped it when she fell. I picked it up, turned around and went to go give it back to her. But which way did she go? OOF! Then a loud moan could be herd coming from the alley way. Oh she did not go down there. Well I better go help her.

I ran towards the sounds. I stopped in my tracks at what I saw. I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like a human but it didn't. It had a strange glow to it and... It didn't have eyes!! What in the world is going on?! 

"Hey you." I herd a voice behind me. I looked round to see the girl from earlier.

 "What is that thing?" I asked her. 

"You can see it?" What kind of question is that?

 "Uh its kind of hard to miss something like that, don't you think?"

 "Well anyways, did you happen to see a tube of lipstick back there?" I pulled it out of my pocket.

 "This one?" I asked.

 "Yeah. Could you open it up for me?"

 "This is no time to be putting make up on." Crazy. I thought. 

"Just do it. make sure you cover your eyes when you do." Well here goes nothing. I opened up the lipstick and out came the brightest light I have ever seen. I turned back to look at the girl but she disappeared. The bright light suddenly turned off.

 "Thanks for that." Turning round, the girl had taken the lipstick from my had. 

"What was that?" I asked.

 "It was a level D class demon."

 "A what?"

 "To long to explain. come with me if you want to find out more." She gave me a smile and started to walk off. 

"Wait. I don't even know you name. My name is Amber."

 "Amber? That's kind of an odd name for a guy." 

"Well I'm a girl." Yeah everyone thinks I'm a guy at first glance but oh well.

 "Oh, my apologizes. Nice to meet you. My name is Krystal." 

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