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Amber POV

"Everyone get ready!!" Jackson yelled. They were all running around trying to get their things together.

"Amber!" I looked over to see Krystal motioning to me.

"Get over here! Bali!" I ran over to her quickly. She started to had me gadgets that look foreign to me. I just stared at her.

"Don't give that look. trust me, you will know how to use these's once we go into battle. They have these sensors that you just touch and it will do the rest. Okay?" I just shook my head.

"Amber. Just think of this as your Initiation into our group." Jessica said. With an oh-so-creepy smile.

"Everyone ready?" Minho said.

"Ne!" We shouted. I'm so nervous. I feel like I will freeze when I face a demon. Amber, you got this. Just stay calm and collected and you will be fine. Someone nudged me.

"Just stick close to me, okay?" Krystal said. Well I do feel a little bit better after she said that.

"Oh. Here's your ear piece.It's for communication if we split up or get lost. Plus, Donghae is our computer guy that tells us where the monsters are located."

"Okay. I think I got it all." I gave a little smile.

"Let's move out!"

Krystal POV

Okay, only 5 lower class demons. Should be easy to handle. We usually have more than this. As long as everything goes as planned, nothing will happen.

"Amber, you ready?" I asked her.

"As ready as I can be." Let's do this!

"Krystal, Amber. Go left and down the alley. There will be two down that way. Yoona, Jackson. Go to the right. There are two right below the car lot. And Minho go behind the building. There's one that way." Donghae said.

So Amber and I started to run towards the direction of the demons.

"Hey Amber, take out the whip like thing. It has holy water in it and will burn the demons. Very useful against lower class demons."

"Right." She got it out and got ready. Not to long after, the demons showed themselves. They charged right at us.

"Look out!" I yelled. I got my whip and slashed at it, but... huh.. It vanished before I could hit it. What's going on?

*He he he* I heard from behind me and turned around. A big gush of wind pushed me back and Sent me flying.

"Krystal!" Amber yelled. I landed a good 30 feet away. Yup, that's going to hurt in the morning.

"I'm fine." I said.

'What's this?' Said the demon.

'New prey?' It started to laugh.

"No, it's our new recruit. She's pretty tough too." I pointed towards her. The demon turned to look himself. Amber was doing quiet well.

"Ha, she's better than Donghae." I said out loud.

'I heard that.' Donghae said through the earpiece.

"Uh sorry, but it's the truth." I let out a small laugh. She was pretty quick in dodging. Light on her feet.

"Okay mine turn." The demon turned back and looked at me.

"Let's see what you got." I said running at him. I jumped right over him and swung my rope around and hit him square in the face. The demon stumbled backwards holding his cheek. He looked up at me, and growled. This time, we both charged at the same time. I slung my whip at him again and slashed his stomach. The demon goes down and he is gone. That was almost to easy. I grinned.

I looked over to where Amber was. After a few more hits, she finally defeated her first demon.

"Congrats Amber!" I waved at her. She looked at me and smiled. We started to gather our stuff.

"Krystal." Amber mumbled. I looked up at her. She was starring at me with panic on it.

"What's wrong?" I asked. All of a sudden, my side started to burn. I looked down and saw a dagger sticking in my side. I turned around to see who it was. The demon from before? I thought I killed it.

'Surprised, I see. Well, a mere human like you can't defeat me.' He laughed. Looked at me and pulled out the dagger. Blood started rushing out of my side and I fall to the ground from dizziness.

"Krystal!" Amber shouted. She ran towards me screaming at the demon. I don't know what really happened next because I blacked out, but the last thing I remember was, Amber jumping towards the demon and a great white light.

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