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Jessica's POV

After leaving the Infirmary, I went to find Amber to figure out what exactly happened. I found her talking with Donghae.

"Amber-ah. Can I talk to you for a sec?" I said.

"Yeah, sure." She said. She handed something to Donghae and followed to my office. It was a silent walk back. As we went into my office, I turned and closed the door.

"I'm sorry." Amber said quickly before I could even open my mouth.

"For what?" I asked with a confused look.

"For not protecting Krystal." She was looking down while talking to me.

"Hey, no need to be sorry. That was your first ever mission plus no one would have known that we would encounter a knew type of demon." I said giving a little laugh saying that it was okay. She then looked up at me.

"That's not why I asked to talk to you though."

"Then what do you want to talk about?" She asked. I hesitated asking at first.

"Krystal told me before she had past out, she saw a white light. Did you happen to see it too?" I asked.

"I don't how it happened though. I just suddenly got angry and charged at. I had this sudden urge of strength." Amber said without taking a breath.

"Slow down. Has this ever happened to you before?" It took her a few moments before answering.

"Only one other time that I can recall. It was when I was really young but I don't remember exactly what happened." Scratching her head, trying to recall.

"Where were you at when this happened?"

"In the U.S. when I was living with my parents." Could she really be Yi Yun? Man, I have so much to ask her.

" Can I ask if you have another...." I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said.

"Jessica." It was Minho.

"The Counsel is asking for you." Oh great. I will have so much paper work to do.

"Alright, I will be right there." I looked at Amber.

"I guess we will finish our talk another time." I gave her a smile and walked out to meet with the Counsel.

Amber's POV

I wonder what she was going to ask me? I really don't know how or why I produced a white light. I wonder if my grandmother knows anything about this? I pulled out my cellphone to call her. Oh, I didn't even realize it was so late. Better to call her in the morning. Walking back to the conference room, I was trying to remember what had happened when I was younger when I felt a sudden pain in my head that made me fall to the ground.

"Amber!" I heard someone yell from behind me.

"Are you okay?" Yoona had come to help me up.

"Yeah. I just suddenly got headache is all." I gave her a little smile.

" Do you want to go lie down?"

" No that's alright. I will just take some medicine. I will be okay after that." She let go of me

"You don't sound very convincing." She said. Sheesh, she sound's like my mother.

'Yi Yun.' Mother? I looked around. The're was only me and Yoona.

"What are you looking for?" She asked giving me a concerned look.

" Din't you hear someone calling my name?" She must think I'm crazy. She just stared at me.

'Yi Yun.'

"There it is again." My head started to pound again. It was so unbearable. Everything just started to spin and I couldn't even hear what Yoona was saying. I don't know what happened next.

'Names Yi Yun.' I said to the girl I just saved.

'Yi Yun!' I heard my mother shouting.

'I gotta go, see ya.' I said to her and ran off back into the woods. I was running towards my mother's voice when I heard her scream. I ran as fast as I could to her. When I got there I couldn't believe my eyes.

'Yi Yun, run.' My Dad had yelled at me while fighting with a beast. My mom was laying on the ground. She wasn't moving

'Mom?' I touched her body. Nothing.

'Argh' I looked towards my dad. He had also went to the ground. Blood was everywhere. I started to cry. My mind went blank. I screamed at the top of my lungs and lunged towards the beast.

"Mom!" I screamed. I was covered in a cold sweat and still had a little headache.

"Whoa. Amber you need to lay back down." Yoona said. Putting a wet cloth back on my forehead. I laid back down.

" How are you feeling?" She asked me. Checking my temperature too.

"I'm feeling a bit better now. Just a slit headache." Why was I having the nightmare again? It hasn't happened since I was younger. Why now? I really need to talk to my Grandmother.

Authors note:

Hey guys!!! Sorry it has been forever since I have written anything. I just have been busy with lots of things. Sorry for it being so short too!! I even have a job now that I barely have anytime to myself XD I hope you will be patience in the mean time and I will upload whenever I have time and as fast as possible!! Thank you:D

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