Past meeting

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Krystal POV

I was running inside a forest. Not daring to look behind me. A beast was chasing after me.

'Get back her, little girl.' Roared the beast.

'I need to eat!' Yeah. Did not want to be on his menu for tonight. I just running until I had tripped over a tree root. Of all the times to have tripped.

'Well, look what we have here.' He grinned. I started to inch backwards. I was to scared to say anything. Please someone, save me.

'What do you think you are doing?' A voice said. I looked around and didn't see anyone.

'Who's there?' The beast said. There was a sudden bright light falling from the trees and had hit the beast.

'Ni? Oh, just a demon slayer.' The person said proudly. She's a demon slayer? She didn't look that much older than me. Maybe around 7 or 8.

'Hey, you alright?' she said lending me a hand.

'Uh, yeah thanks.' I smiled.

'You shouldn't be out here all by yourself. It's dangerous.'

'Well, I was out playing with some friends and got separated from them.' I said .

'Do you need help getting back?' I hesitated on answering her.

'Yi yun!' A voice in the distance was yelling.

'Oh, sorry that's my parents. I better go before they start worrying.' She waved at me. I started to walk back in the direction that I think is home, when all of a sudden I hear a scream.

I suddenly woke up in a room. Where am I? I looked around and saw someone sleeping in a chair beside my bed. Ah. I'm in the infirmary. I looked at the figure who was asleep. Donghae must have been here a while. I went to wake him up.

"Ya, Donghae. Wake up." I said. He started to get up and looked at me.

"Ah!!!!" I screamed while almost falling of the bed. The doors of the infirmary opened and Jessica ran in.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" She asked looking worried.

"I thought Amber was Donghae!" I said while pointing at her. They started to laugh.

"I thinks she will be okay." Amber smiled.

"Are you feeling okay?" Jessica asked. It took me a moment to respond.

"Mmmm... Yup. I'm good." Giving her a thumbs up.

"What even happened? It's not like you to get hurt like that." Yoona asked while walking through the doors and the rest of them followed right behind her.

"Well you think lower class demons would be easy to fight. This was not a lower class demon. He could teleport." I said while looking at their reactions.

"Teleportation? That's impossible. Only C class demons and hire can do that. Maybe Donghae's equipment malfunctioned or something." Minho said.

"But my radar said they were all lower class demons." Donghae pouted.

"Minho has a point Donghae." Jackson said.

"No way! My gadgets are perfect!" Donghae said, defending his gadgets.

"Donghae might be right." Jessica cut in.

"There have been some rumors going around the other hideouts that they spotted lower class demons and turned out to be more powerful one." Jessica said.

"All I know is that demon was just playing with me." I said while folding my arms across my chest.

"By the way, how did you beat it Amber?" Curiosity started to rise. While looking at Amber, she looked a little uncomfortable.

"Oh you know, she just pulled out her karate moves and defeated him." Jessica quickly said.

"But I saw a white light before I passed out."

"Krystal. You were stabbed with a demon weapon and almost died. Of course you have seen a white light." Minho said.

"This was different though." I countered back.

"Alright everyone. Let's give our princess some space so she can get some beauty sleep." Jessica said.

"Unnie!" I said, while blushing. She knows I don't like being called that.

"Get some rest, your highness." The others said snickering while leaving the room. Great. There they go again. Jessica stayed back.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Her sister intuition is on over drive.

"Ne, Unnie. I am okay." Giving her a smile.

"Did you have that nightmare again?" She asked.

"What makes you think I did?"

"You were talking in your sleep again. Calling out for Yi yun."

"Oh. I did? I thought I would be over that by now. I guess the light triggered it. I'm pretty sure it's the same light from that time Unnie." I said with some excitement in my voice.

"What if it's her from then? What if she's in the city? What if..." She cut me off.

"You need to calm down Krystal. Don't get to worked up. You need complete bed rest for a day. Okay?" Saying in her over protective voice.

"Ne, unnie." I said and laid back down in bed. But I could not go back to sleep when knowing the girl from my past might be somewhere in the city.

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