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IT WAS HARD TO FALL ASLEEP. Especially for Stiles. Finally, he did. At about three in the morning, the window of his room flew open, and the cold breeze slowly entered the bedroom. Stiles shivered under his sheets, and tried to ignore the weird feeling by his feet, as if someone was next to him. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw a golden halo by his feet. His eyes focused more, and he was able to see the halo taking the form of a girl.

The halo transformed into a young woman with blond hair and a white dress that pleased her in every way. On her hair there was a golden leaf tiara. She was beautiful and seemed so real.

Tears started running down Stiles' cheeks, "Lily?"

The golden form smiled, so purely and happy, it made Stiles feel safe, "Hey love."

"What are you doing here?"

Lilac grinned down at the dark haired love of her life. "I've been watching over you all this time."

Stiles tried to smile but instead threw his arms over her. He hugged her tight, and she hugged him back. Stiles then cried on her, and she caressed his cheek. "Don't cry."

"Don't leave me," Stiles sobbed, "Please."

They pulled apart, and Lilac leaned in. Their kiss was such a familiar feeling, the feeling of being home.

"Stiles, you need to let me go." Lilac told him, she laid next to him on the bed. "I'm so tired."

Stiles avoided looking at her, he just wanted to have her with him.

"Will you still be with me?"

Lily laughed, "Of course."

They kissed one last time, Stiles trying to remember her face, memorizing her features. She looked so beautiful and strong.

And as fast as she came, she left.

For good.

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