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This chapter is going to be a little different

Past the point of no return, no backward glances

"I think we should divide ourselves, some of us should guard the back doors, and some the entrance." Scott explained, as he unrolled a map of the school he'd found earlier.

"This," Stiles pointed at the empty floor in the map, "is the ceiling. Someone should watch out there."

Malia nodded, "Lilac and I will take it. We can both handle the witches from there." Lilac held in a gasp, Malia was starting to be pretty... Nice to her.

"I want to go with you." Liam interfered, giving Lily a pleading look.


"Lilac, you're like my older sister. You, you're the voice of my conscience. I want to help you."

Lilac looked at her little protected one. She needed him safe, away from harm. "Alright."

Scott and Lydia continued sorting out the groups, and soon they were all out on the hallways, making their way to their positions. A year ago, Lily wouldn't have imagined any of this. A year ago she was still in New York, texting a complete stranger. Stiles. Would she go back and tell her young self to never answer the stranger? Was it really that late to turn back?

Stiles was walking to the complete opposite direction, and they made their ways up and down the stairs. Never looking back at each other. It hurt.

The games of make believe are at an end
Past all thought of if or when, no use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend

"Does any of you want to come to our car? We have more space, and you guys look crowded." Stiles nodded at Liam and Lilac.

Scott and Kira shook their heads, Lilac said no.

"I'd love to!" Liam smiled, making his head through Scott and Kira's shoulders. He gave Stiles a wide smile. Now he's hyper, Lily thought, munching a chip.

"No!" Lily grabbed Liam's sleeve and pushed him back next to her.

Scott turned around and gave her a confused look, "Fifteen minutes ago you wanted to get rid of him."

Lily shrugged, "I told his mom I'd take care of him, didn't I-" she shuffled Liam's hair and played with his cheeks, "little munchkin?"

Liam smiled sheepishly and layed back.

Lilac sighed and leaned against the window, "I can't help it! He's adorable."

Stiles watched her and looked at Scott, "See you at the hotel then."

They said their goodbyes, and Scott whirled around, "What the hell is going on between you two? You guys stink of nervousness."

Lilac shrugged, putting her arm around a sleeping Liam, "Nothing."

Because that's what had happened after their kiss, two weeks ago.



Lily bit her lip as she remembered that day, the day before everything changed. But it had to be done. Lilac couldn't just continue thinking they were made for each other. And they weren't.

What raging fire shall flood the soul?
What rich desire unlocks its door?
What sweet seduction lies before us?

"Lily, when this is over, you need to get back with Stiles." Malia said, as they tied their shoelaces. The ceiling was empty. Just silence. And Liam coughing.

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