Chapter Three: Midnight Dance

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Zayn's P.O.V

"Don't go, wasting all your emoooooooottiiiiioooonss. Lay all you're love on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Louis shut the fuck up!"

"No you shut up ye Irish twat!"

"Why don't you both shut the fuck up!" I intervened. Laying on the lounge with Harry and Liam, the three of us were watching 2/5 quarrel amongst each other. I guess everyone was feeling the same high tension about tonight's event, so in Louis' case, singing out of key tone is what let it out.

"If only the clock would run faster," Liam said absently. "Then I could be dancing with Jen all night.."

Harry glanced over at him. "Well mate, your just gonna have to hold your testosterone in. Time doesn't wait or hurry for anyone."

I laughed at his comment. "Wise Sage Stylessssssssss!"

Harry waggled his eyebrows. "Yeah buddy! Impatience equals to no booty call, Payne."

Liam frowned. "I'm not looking for a booty call from her. I actually genuinely like her." Harry nearly spit out the drink he was having onto the lounge. "Long term? God that is bullshit. The only feeling of 'love' you get is when your being pleasured every night, free of charge."

"But eventually one is going to develop actually feelings," Liam protested. "Haven't you watched Friends with Benefits?"

"With Mila Kunis? Fuck I'd shag her." Harry took another swig of his drink. "So, Malik. Are you planning to get some or be a no fun virgin like Liam?" Liam whacked the curly haired boy when he said this.

I hummed quietly in thought. Honestly, I was going to try get Sofia's attention. But that is clearly hard with a friend like Harry. He is basically a magnet for chicks. Sofia only paid that kind of 'attention' to him, which didn't make my day. If only she'd notice me... But how?

"I don't really have a plan," I said. "I kind of like to... improvise on the spot."

Harry smirked. "Now that's what I'm talking about. So which girl?"

"Erh.. Not Jen obviously since Liam likes her. Umm... Sofia."

"You like Sofia?" Liam asked. Harry nodded slowly in approval, taking another swig of his drink. "Sofia is a good catch. Don't let go of her."

"He would if she wasn't interested in someone else." Liam inferred. Harry raised his hands up. "What? Ladies love me, I can't help it."

When the two began to argue, it suddenly hit me. Sofia was interested in guys who were bad ass motherfuckers, like Harry. So, to get her to notice me, was to be a bad ass motherfucker too. But in a more proper sense, I'd have play out my Cassanova cards.

It had been a while since I've fooled around; I'd been clinging onto the hope of finding permanent relationship over the summer. But things were going to change. In some website I read that conquering over the obstacles to be with someone is true love... Or perhaps it's just my self conscious telling me that.

I could just picture it now. Me and Sofia, holding hands as we headed over to that same gelato store from yesterday, laughing and smiling amongst each other. Planting cute kisses on each others lips. It be a cute Ali and Noah scene, despite my dislike towards the movie adaptation of Nicholas Sparks' novel.

"Zayn, don't objectify women!" Liam insisted. Harry rolled his eyes humorously. "Pfft. Zayn here is my partner in crime." Harry said.

Louis suddenly sat beside me on the lounge, followed by Niall. "Actually, he's my partner in crime, fuzz ball."

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