brake up

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Okay, so...I have never thought this story would get so many views and especially ⭐. But many of you told me that it has many spelling and grammar mistakes. And so finally the true hero arrived, with a (symbolic) pen in hand to correct the younger me's mistakes. Once again I'd like to thank you very much DenisePea9, and I also think you all should. It was barely readable before.

"Nobody cares about you, Gerard. Nobody cares about you, Gerard. Nobody cares about you, Gerard."
For every sentence I said, I used the razor blade held in my right hand to slice my left wrist. 
"How could you be so stupid?! Nobody gives a shit about you! Have you forgotten that, Gerard?!" I shouted, my voice cracking. I dropped the razor blade and cradled my ugly face with my hands remembering the awful scene that happened earlier.

I was outside the classroom the minute the school bell rang for lunch. I decided to go outside and sit by the garden benches that were placed in front of the school campus.
I saw Andy walk up to me and smile. I might be the lonely emo boy, but I'm dating the coolest guy and the singer of the marching band here on the campus. Can I get any luckier?
"I'm sorry Gerard, but the thing we have isn't really working anymore." He told me. "What do you mean, Andy?" I asked, confused. "What I'm saying is..." He trailed off. "Is?" I press. "I think it would be best to break up before this goes any further." 
I wasn't really surprised, sad of course, but not surprised. There wasn't a logical reason for Andy to be with me. 
He was way out of my league. Yeah, he may be cool, but why would he be dating an emo boy like me?   
By the time Andy told me that, I quickly zoned out, forgetting that he was right in front of me.
"Gerard! I'm talking to you!" He shouted at me making me snap back to reality. 
"Yeah? What were you saying?" I say. 
"I said, I have a girlfriend now, so please don't tell people around we've dated. Alright?" He said and walked away. He didn't even give me the chance to answer. Jerk.
We were a secret, that was the deal.   I never really minded that we were in a secret relationship but ouch, that hurt, that really hurt. I turned around and headed to the restroom. I'm not going to cry in public. I locked myself in one of the cubicles there and took the razor, that was placed in the pocket of my skinny jeans, out and pointed it to my wrist. 
*end of flashback* 

Maybe cutting too deep was a bad idea. As blood slowly covered the white restroom floor, my vision started to become blurry.
"I shouldn't have made such deep cuts"
I thought as I passed out. 


I squinted my eyes open and saw a white ceiling and lights. The school nurse was looking down at me, concern showing on her face. And I could tell why, it's not every day you see an emo boy almost bleeding to death.
Behind her was a very short guy, maybe about 5'4, with tattoos littering all over his body, and piercings on his lips and nose. He was kind of cute, at least to me.  "Gerard, are you okay?" the nurse asked making me pay attention to her. 
"Um....yeah?" Why the fuck did I make it sound like a question?! 
"What happened? Why did you do that to yourself?" She asked.
"N-Nothing." I stutter. 
"Are you sure about that, sweetie?" She pressed me.
"It's personal" I snapped.
She jumped from my sudden tone and stepped back. The guy behind her was still there. What the fuck does he want from me? 
"It's alright Frank, you can go now. He'll be okay". 
So, the cutie's name is Frank. I'll remember that. He walked away, probably back to class. 
"Are you ok, honey?" 
"I'm okay, trust me"
Ha, that was a lie if there ever was one. I'm not okay, and never will be. 
The nurse gave me a note, saying that I've missed 4/6 classes I should have had.  "You could go home if you'd like." The nurse said.
"Thank you." I answered, making my way to the door and walking out, going back to my house and skipping the rest of the school day.


see you in the next one!

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