The Belly of the Ship

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Where am I?

Lily opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. She seemed to be in the belly of a large ship. The room rocked back and forth

I must be on a ship or something. The question is whose ship am I on and how do I escape?

Her stark white hair was rumpled and strewn all around the frame of her face. Her clothes had changed from her white blouse, jeans, and boots to a white nightgown with socks. This dress reminded Lily of the one she had been wearing when Emma and David found her in the woods.

In the room she was in there were several empty shelves and cupboards ridden with old cobwebs and dust. Lily found that to the right of her bed were her clothes neatly folded upon a small wooden chair. Directly in front of her, almost beckoningly so, was a thick dusty brown door that looked like it had seen better days.

Lily didn't know where exactly she was or who took her here, but she knew she had to escape somehow. As she placed her feet on the floor, the old wood gave a loud "creak". She stopped suddenly, her heart pounding in the quiet of the room; she didn't know if there were any guards on duty.

I've got to be more quiet, I don't know who is listening.

Lily tiptoed over to her clothes and folded them tightly so that she could easily carry them. She looked up and saw a small leather satchel next to the chair.

Perfect! Now I can carry them in here.

Lily grabbed the satchel and tucked her blouse and jeans into the bag. She slipped on her boots and walked carefully toward the wooden door to exit the room. She grabbed the handle of the door and tried to turn it, but it was locked.

Now how am I supposed to get out?

I can help you.

Lily spun around and there was Henry standing in front of her.

"Henry, is that really you?" Lily approached suspiciously.

"Of course its not me, how stupid are you really?" Pan mocked. He rocked from one foot to another in a menacing yet arrogant manner. Pan looked just like Henry from his brown eyes to his dark brown hair. Lily felt the bubbling anger in her stomach every time she was reminded that her best friend, the form of someone who had helped her time and time again, was being used as a pawn in Pan's game.

"I woke you early to make sure that you knew exactly what you were getting into."

"What do you mean 'woke me early'? What did you wake me from?" Lily stepped back farther from Pan.

"I just woke you from your sleeping hex that the Evil Queen put you under. What a shame it was, she thought that you were under a trance from me, or should I say, your friend Henry."

Lily remembered all at once how she was walking with Henry in Pan's body in the forest when she was whisked off to sleep by Regina's curse.

"What did you do with him?!"

"Oh, I didn't do anything, it was your dear friends who put you under, and your boyfriend in a place not easy to escape from. It was brilliant actually, I wasn't expecting them to capture him in Pandora's box, I just thought they'd turn him to ash instead." A mischievous grin crossed his lips. "I find this outcome more interesting."

"You are such a monster! You were expecting him to die and you take his place!" Lily cried.

Pan lunged toward Lily enraged and his eyes, now Henry's, turned ruby red just like they had when Pan was back in his own body. He pushed Lily was back against the wall and she began to sink into the dark oak planks of the ship, slowly becoming part of it herself.

Lily fell further and further into the planks, until she found that she couldn't talk let alone move now, all she could do was listen and stare at her best friend Henry possessed by a great evil.

"Listen here, I thought I made it very clear the last time we talked." Pan gritted his teeth and stood very close to Lily. His inflection made him sound psychotic. "You are going to be under my control whether you like it or not. I'll do you the favor and not control your every move with my magic, since that will raise suspicion. Nevertheless, I will be controlling you. When we return back to Storybrooke, you are to act as if I am the real Henry and you will not get in my way." Pan clutched what was left of Lily's throat and sharply pulled it out of the wood. "Do you understand?" Pan said darkly.

Lily's head was pulled out of the wood and she could now breath a bit again. "Yes," She whispered. Lily hadn't yet been restored the rest of herself so all she could muster was a few breaths of air molded into words.

Lily gasped for air and tried to assemble a response. "Pan, I don't care what happens to me, you will be stopped even if I am dead." She whispered.

"Death? You think death is the worst punishment I can give you? Remember that I have all the control now,"A puff of smoke swirled around his hand and suddenly Pandora's box was within it. "You won't be the only one suffering if you don't do exactly what I say."

Lily's eyes widened. She couldn't risk Henry's death because of her pride. Instead she hung her head low, speaking not another word. Her spark had faded inside of her; she was useless to do anything and if she did, Henry would be tortured mercilessly then killed. Lily was almost killed the first time had there not been a miracle that saved her.

Pan grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her out of the wood completely. Her form fell onto the ground and in a few moments, her body regained shape and began to gasp for air as she coughed up droplets of blood.

Lily slowly climbed back on the bed and as she laid down Pan reinstated the sleeping hex. Lily's eyes shut and she was once again unconscious.

Pan walked back up onto the main deck with Pandora's box in hand. He again surrounded his hand with a puff of smoke and restored the box back to Mr. Gold's room as if it had never been moved. He sauntered over to where Felix was chained and began to confer with him.

"Did you tell her who's in charge?" Felix asked

"She knows. If Lily really loves that boy Henry, she'll keep her mouth shut."

The Jolly Roger then started to churn and sway violently. The wind howled against the sails and the steering wheel started to turn back and forth as Hook fought to control it.

"Hold on, we are reaching the portal!" Hook yelled. While Pan and Lily were discussing their terms, Emma had thrown the magic bean into the sea that would send them home. This opened a portal that the Jolly Roger was getting sucked into.

The ship swayed and turned into the dark green abyss that laid ahead of them. The boat fell and fell for a seemingly endless  time until the passengers found themselves on the other side of the portal and just a few miles away from a familiar port.

They were back home.

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