The Answer that Created More Questions

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Henry waved his hands about and felt a surge of energy escape his hands. When he opened his eyes, a brilliant flame flickered from his hands. This flame reminded him of Lily: beautiful, yet dangerously bright.

"Very good," Hummed Regina. A small cut was on her forehead from when she was thrown against the wall a few hours ago. "Now summon the paralysis spell as we had practiced."

Henry nodded his head and froze Regina in time. After a few seconds he released her and she once again moved about. "Excellent. Lily was quite good in teaching you the basics wasn't she?"

"Yeah." Henry now spoke very little as he began to despise even the sound of Pan's voice from his mouth.

"Henry, I know its been a rough few weeks for you, but do you remember much about what happened in Neverland?"

Henry stood there solemnly with disdain, "Yeah."

"Henry you don't have to feel bad about what happened before, it was clearly an accident."


"Alright, it's clear that you don't want to tell me, but that's okay. Sometimes readjusting is necessary, especially for someone your age." Regina paced over to the table with the potions and began to mix a few together.

"It started when I jumped into the portal with Tamara and her...accomplice." Henry tilted his head back as he began to remember. "When we arrived, they started to talk about unlimited magic."

"Well what did they say?" Regina turned toward him and began to listen closely.

"I have no idea. Markus, Tamara's boyfriend, started to speak about it and then was killed on the spot by a poisoned arrow." His eyes narrowed as he continued. "Lost boys surrounded us and killed Tamara too, ripping and clawing at her flesh."

"Oh my god! Henry-I'm so sorry you had to see that." Regina's guilt began to grow exponentially.

"I ran and ran, until I saw this...boy. This boy I would later know as Peter Pan, but at the time he said his name was Will. He told me to run away from the lost boys and recruited me into the camp when he revealed that my survival was a test, or rather, that my 'belief' was when I jumped off the cliff with pixie dust. My mind began to fade and I forgot about you, Storybrooke, and Lily." Henry crossed his arms in contempt, "If only I wasn't so dull and gotten to her sooner, she wouldn't be missing!"

"Henry please continue."

"Anyway, It had been about a month or so and I found myself lost in the jungles. Off in the distance I had heard screaming and as I followed, I found Lily in a cage, screaming her heart out."

"What was she screaming?"

"Lily wasn't screaming anything in particular, it just seemed like she was in pain. Somehow the memory is quite fuzzy, but I was able to unlock her cage and she was frail and pale. For the next few days, we set up camp and it was quite peaceful. Or at least it was until I thought I had heard her screaming in the woods. I chased after it and instead of her, I found Pan smirking and holding a metal whistle that emitted Lily's screams when he blew it. He froze me and was ready to kill me until Lily appeared out of the jungles with a sword in hand. She began to fight for me and had almost beaten him until Pan had cheated and used his magic to bind her to the top of a tree. I watched as he stabbed a sword into her chest and ripped her heart out. Pan began to crush it and she began to die as time passed. He then proposed me a deal: give up my heart and save her, or keep it and she would die. Of course I opted for the one where she would be saved, and here I am now."

"But he only wanted your heart right? Why then did he swap with you?"

"He mentioned something...heart of the truest believer I think."

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