Stone Cold

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Dull gray marble made an impression of his face and body. He sat there in a timeless state, waiting endlessly. Hours seemed to pass Henry by ever so quickly and soon the early morning patterned the stature with sunbeams.

"Good Morning Mary Margaret." Hummed Emma as she cracked a few eggs and stirred them with a fork. She poured them into a pan and the yellow color soon turned fluffy and golden.

"Good Morning Emma. Did you sleep well?" 

"As well as I could've when a demon is running around in my son's body."

"I wonder how Henry is taking this you know; first his friend goes missing then his body is stolen. It seems like a lot for a teenager like him."

"Henry is a strong kid. He'll make it through."

Regina walked into the main room of the apartment. "I'm going to go check on -yawn- Henry."

"Alright Regina, just don't wake him. He's had a long week." Mary Margaret sipped her tea with a warm grin.

Emma turned off the stove and placed the fluffy eggs on a plate, "I wonder what Pan is up to. He's been rather quiet lately.."

"No. No. NOOOOOOO!" Screamed Regina from upstairs. Everyone in the apartment had heard it and came running as fast as they could up into the loft. Once they all got there, they saw a stone statue and Regina kneeling on the floor in front of it, weeping hopelessly. "He did this. He did this to my son!" She pounded her fists into the floor. "It wasn't enough for him to take his form, but he needed to kill him as well!"

Emma stood behind Regina shaking like a leaf trying to find someway to bring back her son. A rock of guilt and regret fell into Emma's stomach. Why hadn't she set up a night watch for Henry?

Mary Margaret ran up to the statue and cradled her arms around it. "What are we going to do now? Henry is dead and we have no way of reviving him!"

"That demon did this!" Gold growled. "I've had just about enough of my father!"

"We might have a way," Emma said catching her rapid breath. "We...we still have the prophetic potion."

"But that might shatter the statue or worse!" David stood in front of the statue protectively. "He could be turned to dust!"

"It's our only option now." Gold shifted his weight from his cane to his feet, "We either leave him like this for eternity, or we try to do something about it." He summoned the clear prophetic potion from his shop and carefully opened it. "If we're lucky, he might even return to his body."

"Really?" Mary Margaret wiped her tears away.

"Its definitely a possibility." Gold held the potion over the statue's head and dripped a bit onto the statue. Everyone's eyes became wild and distraught as they dreaded the outcome. The melted gold luster encapsulated the statue and faded away in gold dust leaving a living, breathing being in its place.

"Oh thank goodness!" Mary Margaret swooned a bit into her husband's arms from relief.

"Not just yet." Gold had everyone stand back. "Who are you?"

The being blinked and moved in a confused fashion. "Where's Lily?"

"Henry's back." The party yelled and cheered happily.

"Wait a moment," Hook held up the festivities. "Why didn't Henry return to his body?"

"That's a good question." Gold replied. "Perhaps Henry was meant to stay in this form."

"WHAT?" Henry staggered back in shock, "So, this is the form I'm meant to be in?"

"Apparently so lad." Hook walked over to Henry, "Look at the bright side, at least you can fly..."

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