The Wings with Which to Fly

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Lily and Henry in Pan's body were on the other side of Neverland trying to practice their newly found magic. Sparks and little puffs of smoke floated through the air signifying failed spells.

The further we walk the worse I feel. I don't know if I'm getting any closer to getting back my identity, but I feel as if I am very close to the truth.

"Hey Henry, try to cast a stinging curse."Lily picked up her sword and spun it around. "You'll need it when we fight back against Pan."

"Why would I use a stinging curse on myself? When I get my body back, I want to be able to walk at least. I don't want any missing limbs." Henry laughed.

"It might be still good to use for fights or whatever. Ooh! I know, let's try an ice spell! Think of the North Pole or something!"

"Okay North Pole, Ice, Cold Water, Polar bears, umm, Uhhhh, what else?"

"Snow you dummy!"

"Jeez what's up with you lately? You are so on edge and short with me!"

"What? No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I am NOT!"

"Yes you are!"

"Just stop you are being so childish! Get on with that ice spell now!" Lily's hands were outstretched and they burst into flames. She had learned how to use fire magic simply from not controlling her temper.

"How did I do this?" Lily said, completely astonished.

"You've got a fiery temper! Now let's see about this ice magic." Henry concentrated and tried to channel all of the magic through Pan's body and into his hands. A large ice crystal soon emerged from the ground in front of him.

"I did it!" Henry stood proud next to the crystal.

"Fire and ice, how cliche!" Lily shook her head.

Henry and Lily continued to practice their newly found skills. They both learned how to do basic magic combat in an afternoon thanks to Pan's body and Lily's mysterious past where pretty much anything could have happened.

"Henry, I think we really made progress."

"I agree, we really have done a lot." The two of them sat down on a nearby log and let out a deep sigh.

"Hey Henry?"


"What's the first thing you are going to do when you get your body back?"

"I dunno, probably grab a hot chocolate with cinnamon in Granny's"

"What else? There's gotta be some deeper wish than that..."

"Not really. I just wanna go back to the way things used to be: searching for your past and stuff. Nothing complicated." As Henry thought of these happy thoughts, chilly days in Storybrooke spent with Lily and hot chocolate, he began to rise up in the air.

"Henry, you already mastered the floating hex!?" Lily exclaimed.

"What? No! I actually have no idea how I am flying."

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