Self Control

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Carlisle told me to rest it and that I would have the rest of this week and next week off to make it look like I was still healing. I spent most of that time in bed because my siblings were at school. The wound healed in a week thanks to my Angel healing. It was sunny one of the days so the whole family was home, we all decided to go hunting. Family hunting trips involved me standing in the woods with the family split and a huge relay style race occurred. On team Esme was her, Matt, Rosalie and Jasper and team Carlisle consisted of him, Alice, Emmett and Edward. Team Esme won by only a few tenths of a second.

It was a Friday and Edward has decided that it would be a good to invite Bella to our home. I was currently on my bed after getting ready for Bella's visit. I wore a grey top with a white lace collar that is tucked into a navy blue skirt with a beige belt. My feet wore simple beige heels.

"Its time to meet the family now, darlin'." Jasper said as he came into our room, dressed in a blue shirt and jeans.

"Can't wait." I replied sarcastically. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss.

"Come on lovebirds." Matt said. I pulled away and smiled at Matt. Alice and Matt jumped from Jaspers balcony and mine to the downstairs balcony, me and Jasper walked downstairs the normal way. He pulled me to his side as we walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Bella. I'm Alice." Alice greeted, rushing over and hugging her before she could object. The short pixie girl was beaming with joy. Pulling back from her, she said,

"You do smell good, almost as good as lacey." This caused Jasper to growl slightly at Alice. I put my hand on his chest to calm him down.

"I'm Matt, Alice's mate. Its good to finally meet you, that one talks about you all the time." Matt gestured to Edward who glared slightly at the comment.

"Hello again Bella." I smiled.

"I'm glad your feeling better Lacey." Bella said. I nodded to her. She then looked at Jasper expectantly, but Jaz was stood rigid. His eyes had gone a slightly darker colour. An awkward silence hung in the air.

"I'm sorry, Jaspers our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlisle explained.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper struggled, his accent thick when he spoke. I stood in front of him, drawing his gaze to me.

"It's OK Jaz, you won't hurt her." I reassured. Jasper kissed my head in thanks.

Bella then looked at me. Her stare was intense as if she were trying to figure out what I was. I shuffled uncomfortably and Jasper pulled me so my back was flush to his chest. Jasper always knew how to calm me down without using his gift. The only way he would use the gift on me was if nothing else was working.

"What are you Lacey?" Bella asked.

"I'm half Human and half Angel." Bella looked shocked at my response.

"Are you immortal?" She wondered. I shook my head. All the Cullens knew and Jasper hated the idea of turning me but knew it was inevitable.

"I age as a Human does. Only the half Human side could be turned into a Vampire." I explained. She seemed to accept this and Edward excused himself and Bella and went to show her around the house. Esme told Rosalie to clean up the broken glass that was on the floor.

After Bella's question of my immortality, Jasper hadn't spoken to me. He walked over to the couch and sat staring at the wall. I sat next to him and faced him. His face held worry, concern and his eyes indicated of the many thoughts running through his mind at that point.

"What troubles you Jasper?" I asked quietly. I knew he had heard me, but it took a few minutes for him to speak his reply.

"I don't want you to be like me." He admitted. I looked at him like he was crazy. He was a strong, compassionate man who was the best thing that had happened to me.

"What do you mean by that?" Again it took him minutes to reply, as if he was composing the right response in his head. One that would answer the question and express how he felt.

"I'm a monster. A monster designed to kill. Even as half an Angel it won't be enough to stop you being half Vampire. You may want to be with me short term, but you could grow to hate what you became. What I would have made you." He trailed off at the end. The family knew who I wanted to change me. If Jasper didn't do it himself I didn't want go through with it.

"Jasper, you are no monster. I love you. I could never hate my soul mate. Our destiny is to be together. We both know that was written in the stars many years ago. We can't be apart." I told him. I had turned his head so he was looking directly at me as I said it. I knew he could feel the honesty and love with in me. He smiled weakly and forced his lips on mine. I kissed back immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his hair. The kiss began to get more heated as his tongue found his way into my mouth.

"Things getting heated. I'm surprised you have done it with her yet Jazzy boy." Emmett laughed from across the room.

"Don't call me that." Jasper demanded.

"We haven't done it yet Emmett, so back off, before I drag you to hell personally." I smiled innocently at him.

"Emmett, unlike you I have self control and have always vowed to wait until day I make the girl my wife." Jasper explained. Emmett shook his head and walked off. I smiled at Jaz and continued the kiss.

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