Slippery Afternoon

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That evening Edward had announced he was going to the Denali's so they could help him. Carlisle and Esme agreed and sent him there. Everyday we saw Bella looking over at us, her eyes searching for Edward. The first day without Edward, Jasper drove Emmett's jeep into school while he stood up, me staying in the front passengers seat. We got out and I wrapped my arms around Jasper's waist while he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me into school. I glanced back at Bella and saw her disappointed look as she watched us glide away. Each day was the same. She would hope to see him, but he was yet to return. At lunch we would catch her looking at us. The suspicion grew in her eyes as the weeks passed.

Edward returned after the third week, saying he felt much better. Him and Bella had spoken today as he was telling us. I spotted her walking to her truck and decided to go over. It was a wet and slippery afternoon in Forks and people were just flooding out of the school.

"I am just going to say hi to Bella, one moment." I excused my self from my family and walked over to the girl. She saw me coming and put her bag down on her bonnet.

"Hello Bella, I'm Lacey. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself before." I smiled at her.

"No, it's fine. You're Edwards adopted sister right?" She questioned. I nodded smiling.

"Where did he go?" She asked. I had to make something up on the spot.

"He had an important collage interview across the country so he had to leave." I smiled. Bella seemed to partly accept this. We glanced over at my family who were stood the other side of the parking lot next to Edwards and Rosalie's car. Rosalie and Emmett stood under one black umbrella and Alice and Matt shared another. Jasper stood in his white coat and black jeans, leaning against the car smiling over at me.

The next thing I knew, Tyler swerved around the parking lot, narrowly missing students and reversing cars. Bella and I turned and saw the van come sliding toward us. We gasped. Neither of us attempted to move as the van was coming our way too quickly. I was stood by Bella's back wheel her by her front wheel. Then Edward had an arm around Bella and had stopped the van from hitting her, only causing the back end of the van to hit my leg as I tried to move out the way. I held in my pain, as Bella and Edward stared at eachother. I saw Edward look at her and run off into the woods. I looked down at my leg to see a large gash ripped into my thigh, tearing deep at the muscle. Bella was yet to notice my condition. I knew the Cullens would still be at their cars. People began to rush to our aid.

"I'm sorry Bella, I panicked." Tyler apologized; he had a small cut by his eye. Bella then glanced at me and saw my blood pouring from my wound. By this time a small crowd had gathered.

"Lacey your hurt." Bella said as Angela helped her stand. 3 boys were around me: one (Eric Yorkie) putting pressure on my wound, the other (Mike) trying to tell me it would be OK and the third (Archer) wiping the tears out of my eyes as they began to fall. The pain was now coursing through me and I began to cry.

"Lacey, oh my god. I'm so sorry, I tried to stop." Tyler shouted over the roar of the crowd that had formed. Then I thought of how none of the Cullens would want to come over in case Tyler was bleeding, which he was. That meant they wouldn't know I was hurt. I looked at my leg to see a hole in my jeans where the cut was.

"Jasper." I moaned in pain as I let out silent scream as more pressure was applied to try and stop the bleeding.

"Someone get Jasper!"

"Get Jasper!" People began shouting and commanding. I saw a few girls run off. Within seconds Jasper and Rosalie were by my side. Jasper comforting me, his eyes filled with worry and regret, Rosalie began to take over from Eric by putting pressure on my wound. I was worried about her reaction to my exposed blood.

"Its OK Lace, Alice, Matt and Emmett have gone to the hospital to inform Carlisle. I am so sorry." He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I have 9-1-1 on the phone now." A girl said.

At the hospital I was lying in a communal ward with both Tyler and Bella. Jasper was holding my hand all the time. I now had a bandage around my leg trying to stop the bleeding before anyone could stitch my leg.

"I am so sorry, I should have gone with you or at least tried to stop it. I should have ran over to you, maybe that way you wouldn't be in here..." Jasper ranted, his forehead on mine.

"Jasper it isn't your fault. You are putting yourself through hell just being in the hospital. I couldn't ask for more." I smiled a pain filled smile as Carlisle came through the door.

"I heard the chiefs daughter was here." He greeted as he walked into the room.

"Doctor Cullen." The chief said.

"I got this one, Jackie. Go clean Lacey's leg and I will stitch it in one moment." Carlisle instructed. Jackie came over and unwrapped the bandage from my leg. Jasper noticeable stiffened at the smell of my blood. I hissed as antiseptic water was put onto my leg. Jasper held me as I squeezed his hand. She then put a cream around the wound that was supposed to numb the area.

Carlisle stitched my wound and readied it. He handed me crutches and said I was free to go. I followed him, down the corridor and was met by Rosalie and Edward. Jasper was behind me in case I fell.

"Thank God you are OK." She hugged me; careful of my leg I wasn't allowed to put pressure on.

"I am fine Rose, really." I smiled. Jasper put his arm around my waist, lifting me so I wouldn't ache. He held me in the air gently, I was only a few centimetres from the ground but it helped relieve the strain on my supporting left leg.

"This is all your fault! If you had helped your sister as well as the human then we wouldn't be in this mess. You put her life over your sisters. What if she would've died? What would Jasper do to you?" Rosalie began ranting.

"You were careless and thought of no one but yourself and her. People saw Edward. 15 kids saw what happened, they could have seen what you did." Rosalie snapped.

"I am sorry for not saving Lacey, but what other option did I have? Let her die?" Edward asked.

"This isn't just about you and the girl, this is about the whole family. Look what you did to Lacey." Rosalie scolded.

"I think we should take this to my office. Jasper take Lacey home and make sure she puts no pressure on her leg and raise it." Carlisle instructed, looking around the corner we had just come from. Bella was peaking around the corner. Jasper put me on the floor when he noticed Bella and guided me away and to his car. I slept all the way home.

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