My Story

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Jaspers POV

As soon as I saw her it was like she was sparkling. Her eyes were covered in tears. Her scent drew me closer. It was a smell I had never come across and never wanted to leave. When she blacked out in my arms I looked at Edward.

"She can't be all human." Edward said to me.

"Her blood is irresistible." I said, looking at her sleeping form.

"Jasper, I smell it too. I need a lot of self control to stand this close." Edward admitted. This caused me to pull her closer to my body. I growled lowly at my brother. He would not hurt her.

"Jasper calm down, I won't hurt her. I know how you feel about her though." He teased.

"Lets get her to Carlisle." I calmed down slightly. I knew Edward could hear my thoughts of how I felt about her. I had a feeling maybe we had a bond stronger than friendship and I was yet to talk to her directly. She surly was prettier than Maria, by a long way. Her face held no makeup and her blonde hair had beautiful waves. She was dressed in a sodden grey woollen jumper that was tucked into a blue skirt that ended mid thigh, she wore black tights under it but I guessed that was from the coldness of early March in Forks.

We were back at the house before I knew it. Edward had run ahead to fill Carlisle in while I walked with the girl in my arms, my girl.

"Jasper, Edward filled me, put he on the examining bed in my office." Carlisle directed. I nodded and placed her down. I then sat in the seat next to her bed. I couldn't stop myself from joining her hand to mine and interlocking our fingers. I gripped her hand in mine like if I let go, she would disappear. All of the family stood around her bed, curious to find out what she was. Every person in the room could sense she was different, that her blood wasn't quite human.

Then her eyes opened and she went crazy.

Lacey POV

I woke up to silence but I could feel a presence around me. I could tell someone was holding my hand. I opened my eyes and saw 8 people surrounded me, vampires with golden eyes, 5 were men and 3 were women. I couldn't escape. I was going to die without meeting my true mate. I began to hyperventilate and struggle around in the bed I was in. I thrashed around. Someone held me down.

"Look at me!" The voice commanded. I opened my eyes, fear coursing through my blood. I locked eyes with the man who was now holding both my wrists beside me head.

"Calm down, we won't hurt you. I wont let them or anyone hurt you, I promise." I felt calmness running through me, extinguishing all my fear. He let go and sat back on his chair. All I could think about was how amazing his voice was, one that I could listen too all day and not care what he was talking about. That's when I knew that he was my soul mate, he had to be. How couldn't he be?

"Who are all of you?" I asked. An older man stepped forward, he looked calm and welcoming.

"Hello, I am Carlisle and this is Esme, my wife. Then we have Alice and Matt, who are mated and married who are on my right. To my left is Edward. Next to Edward is Rosalie and her mate and husband Emmett. Finally we have Jasper who is next to you. We are the Cullens." I nodded in understanding.

"I'm Lacey, Lacey Borealis. One of the descendants of Aurora Borealis, the angel who creates the Northern Lights." I introduced myself. Everyone in the room was clearly stunned at what I had said.

"So you know we're Vampires?" Emmett asked me. I nodded in reply.

"Are you a full Angel?" Esme asked in disbelief. I shook my head.

"I am only half Angel. My father was human and killed by shape shifters when I was very young. I am now 16, 17 soon." I replied.

"Can you explain more about being half Angel? Why were you alone in the woods? What you eat?" Carlisle asked me.

"It's a long story." I looked down. It truly was a long story, involving many things.

"We have time." Jasper said, holding my hand once more.

"My mother came down from Heaven and found her soul mate. When I was born they were very happy. My father had vampire friends. He came across shape shifters on his way home from a party, they smelt vampire and killed him. My mother was too late to save him. After he died, she taught me how to live. She raised me and told me everything I would need to know too keep me safe. On my 14th birthday she told me to find my soul mate, not to stop until I did. Then she departed back to Heaven. All Angels can only be in their child's life for 14 years, after that they leave and the child goes on their own. Every Angel must seek their soul mate and can't stop until they do. I couldn't rest until I found mine. An Angel's blood, to Vampires is the sweetest thing ever. Its like melted chocolate to a human. That's why not many Angels come to Earth. As for what I eat, I can eat normal food, but when I find my soul mate only water will help. I will only be able to survive on their love and demonstrations of affection. For example a hug or just touching them would keep me living but a kiss would give me energy, without it I die." I explained.

"Doesn't that hurt? The mate I mean." Alice questioned me.

"No, they feel nothing. Nothing happens to them." I replied.

"Do Angels have powers?" Matt asked.

"Yes. If I was a full Angel I would not only be a mental shield but I would have the ability to turn anyone, anything human for a certain time. The most is a year, then they revert back to whatever species they were before. I would also be able to heal any other person, not myself. It's hard to explain unless I was a full Angel. Although some Angels, who are half Vampire or half wolf have proven they get their gifts. The Guardians think its because they found their soul mate." I told him.

"Have you found your soul mate?" Rosalie wondered.

"I'm not sure. I would have been able to tell you, but today I am not so sure." I replied truthfully. After meeting Jasper, I wasn't so sure I needed to continue my search.

"How will you know if you find them?" Jasper interjected.

"Well to them I would be iridescent. My blood would make them need to be around me. I am only half Angel so it would be hard for me to tell, only to me they would be the only being in the world that mattered more than family or friends. When we share our first kiss, it would make me feel more alive." I said, not breaking eye contact with Jasper.

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