Don't Leave Me

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At the house, everyone rushed inside. Jasper kept me next to him while the family rushed around to pack anything they would need. Alice brought down my suitcase and then put it in her and Matt's car.

"I've fought her kind before, they're not easy to kill." Jasper stated. He had me at his side, pulling me into the garage. All my stuff was in the car; we were just waiting for Bella and Edward. Jasper's eyes had darkened knowing I, his mate, was in trouble.

"But not impossible." I added. James was coming after Bella and I. Scared doesn't even begin to cover how I feel. I knew how to kill a vampire; I just had never done it. As I'm not a full angel it makes that ten times harder. I had no advantage. I was quicker than a human but slower than a vampire. Being in the same room as one, put them on edge because of my blood.

"We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces." Emmett said.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature even a sadistic one like James." Carlise said. Jasper leads me over to Alice's car, standing and listening to his family talk.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asked. I cowered into Jaspers chest. I was so worried for not only my safety but also the safety of the people who took me in. Jasper kissed my forehead in reassurance.

"I'm gonna run Bella south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward said.

"No Edward. James knows you and Jasper would never leave Bella and Lacey. He'll follow you." Carlise explained. Jasper and I already knew this. He would have to leave me and go with the others.

"I'll go with Bella and Lace. Matt and I will drive them south. We'll keep her safe Edward." Alice said. Edward hated leaving Bella. Alice guided Bella to the passenger seat while Matt took me away from Jas and to the door.

I sat in the car while Edward handed out both Bella's and my coats. As they were bickering, jasper came around to talk to me through the open window.

"Jas, I don't want to leave you. I don't feel safe without you." I whispered, putting my forehead on his. He breathed in my scent.

"When this is over, I won't leave you again." I leant up and kissed his lips.

"Jas, don't leave me." I begged.

"Lacey, you'll be OK. I'll come and get you after. Then we can begin the rest of our lives. We could even visit Texas." He offered. I nodded and kissed him again. With his hand lingering on me for a little longer, he pulled away and the car sped down the driveway and out of Forks.

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