An Angel for the Main Course

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One was dark skin and had dreadlocks, wearing jeans and an open shirt with and orange coat. The girl wore jeans and a top with a fur cloak around her. She let her ginger hair fly behind her. The last was a blonde haired male, wearing a plain jacket and jeans. His dark expression made him the most sinister. All had red eyes that shone, even from this distance.

They stood in front of us, while the Cullens stood in a large row. Carlise grinned to mask his true worry for his family and Bella. Jasper had his arms around me, keeping his eyes locked with the danger ahead.

"I believe this belongs to you." The middle one said, throwing the ball at Carlisle who caught it with ease.

"Thankyou." Carlisle thanked.

"I am Laurent. And this is Victoria... and James." Laurent explained. James had his eyes locked with Edwards.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family," Carlisle explained, "I'm afraid your hunting activities have cause something of a mess for us."

"Our apologies. We didn't realise the territory had been claimed." Laurent spoke. Liar. Jasper watched the Vampires with caution, unconsciously pulling me to his side more.

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence here." Carlisle responded.

"Really? Well we won't be a problem from now on." Laurent added. I saw James continue his staring match with Edward. James's eyes then snapped over to meet my gaze. I held my breath and turned into Jasper, who glared at James.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe." Victoria interrupted. Her tone was less than inviting.

"Excellent." Carlisle remained his calm composure.

"So, could you use three more players?" Laurent asked. All eyes turned to Carlisle in question.

"Come on. Just one game." Laurent offered.

"Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You can take their place. We'll bat first." Carlisle explained. He knew he had no other option than to let them play. He threw the ball the Laurent but Victoria caught it saying that she had a 'wicked' curve ball.

"Well, I think we can handle that." Jasper said, his Southern accent shining through. The accent that made me feel so safe now was tight and worried. The groups began to chuckle and move away, Jasper turning to me and kissing my lips. Edward and Bella turned to go, as a gust of wind blew. Jasper blocked the wind from hitting me with his body, but Edward was too late. Bella's hair blew and her scent went floating over to the blood-sucking Vampires who were less than 10 metres away.

"You brought a snack." James commented to Edward. Edward jumped in front of Bella, shielding her as he hissed at James. The rest of the family then hissed at James, while Laurent and Victoria joined James.

"A human?" Laurent asked. Jasper pushed me behind him, but pushed too hard. The force sent me falling to the ground, his hat falling off me head, and my hair fanning out around me, causing my vein to be exposed and my entrancing scent to blow over to James.

"And an Angel for the main course." He snarled at Jasper. Jasper growled at him. James ran around the family quickly, trying to get to us. Jasper and Edward pushed him away before he could touch Bella or me. The pair growled at James, protecting their mates.

"The girls are with us. I think it best if you leave." Carlisle stated. Edward and Jasper continued growling at James.

"I can see the game is over. We'll go now." Laurent and Victoria began to back away, know they would be fighting a pointless battle, as they would both lose. Despite this, James stayed put and glared at Jasper in a challenging way.

"James." Laurent warned. James stood, put his arm around Victoria and stared at us over his shoulder.

"Get Bella out of here." Carlisle instructed. Edward then rushed to Bella.

I was still sat on the ground when Jasper picked me up. He placed his hat on his head and pulled me onto his back. Then he ran to the house. The others were also there. I was frightened. I had never seen any Vampires look that evil, and hungry for blood. The image of James first smelling my blood will always haunt my nightmares. The way he longed for it, sent a chill down my spine.

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