~Part 3~

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Jungkook was 11, and Taehyung was 13.

It was Jungkook's birthday, and he was about to start his last year in primary school.

He was waiting in his living room, surrounded by balloons of all colours, covered in the number 11. Birthday banners hung on every wall. There was a table on one side of the room covered in traditional party food, everything from sausage rolls to party rings. Games were set up everywhere; 'pin the tail on the donkey' and 'pass the parcel' being a couple. There was even a pinata.

Excitement began curling in Jungkook's stomach. A week ago, he had sent out party invitations to children in his class, as his mother had insisted on holding a party. Jungkook didn't want a party; he wasn't even that close to his classmates. He would only enjoy a party if his best friend came, so he'd sent one to Taehyung too. He knew it seemed like a long shot, but they never skipped important events together, such as birthdays and Christmas. He wouldn't miss Jungkook's birthday. He couldn't.

It was that hope that made the small boy excited for today. He couldn't wait to see his best friend again. He'd missed him so much, that he couldn't sit still as he sat staring up at the clock. Jungkook was waiting for it to strike 1pm, as the guests would be arriving then. It wasn't long now.

"Someone's excited." Jungkook's father chuckled, watching his son swinging his feet on the couch and beaming to himself joyfully.

"Our big boy is finally in the double digits, of course he's excited." Jungkook's mother smiled in admiration, in the direction of her grown up son.

Jungkook didn't bother to correct his mother and tell her that he was excited to see Taehyung, not because it was his birthday, or because there was a party. The guests would start arriving any minute now anyway, and Jungkook was sure that the first would be Taehyung. He was always the first to arrive. It may have had something to do with the fact that he lived right next door, but was mostly because his best friend always had to be the first to say happy birthday.

The doorbell rang, announcing the first guest. Jungkook was up in less than a second and was running straight for the door.

"Jungkook! What have we told you about running-" His father's voice was cut off by his mother.

"Leave him be, just for today. He's usually very good, and the house is going to be filled with lots of running 9 to 10 year olds in a minute." His mother reasoned.

"Don't remind me." His father internally groaned, already anticipating the headache he'd be getting later.

Jungkook threw open the front door in a heartbeat, ready to yell 'Tae' and to embrace his best friend in a tight bear hug. However, it was only a disappointed 'oh' that followed.

The person at the door wasn't Taehyung.

Jungkook put on his best smile and welcomed his first guest in. He told himself that Taehyung must be late. That was the only reasonable explanation.

However, as the house filled with guests and the choruses of happy birthday's, Jungkook found it hard to keep smiling. He couldn't stop worrying about Taehyung, and where he was, or why he wasn't here. Or if he was even going to arrive at all.

Jungkook's parents tried to get their son engaged more in all the games and activities, but he just wasn't feeling the excitement anymore. He couldn't help but keep glancing at the clock, wondering when the party would be over.

After the games, they all gathered round in a circle so that Jungkook could open all the gifts the kids had brought him. They only had about half an hour left of the party, and the kids were eager to see Jungkook open their presents and blow out his birthday candles. He opened the presents one by one, trying to look as happy and thankful as he could muster.

When he had opened the last one and thanked his last friend, his parents handed him an envelope.

"This one is from Taehyung." His mother smiled excitedly at him, hoping to try and get some of that excitement from this morning back into their son.

They failed to realise that their son was down because Taehyung wasn't there. They thought it was to do with the social situation, as he was never too fond of them.

Jungkook hesitantly opened the envelope, taking out a card with a cute cartoon alien on the front saying happy birthday. Taehyung was obsessed with aliens, and anything that was outer space. He had told Jungkook once that rabbits lived on the moon. Jungkook wasn't so sure.

He smiled a little seeing the alien, bringing back memories of chats about outer space. Maybe his best friend was still there. However, the smile was quickly gone the moment he opened the card. Inside was only two lines.

Happy Birthday Jungkook!
From Taehyung

Nothing else. Just five words. Five words that didn't even really hold any warmth or reassurance.

That was the moment Jungkook understood. His best friend was gone for good, and he didn't even feel disappointed or lonely anymore. He didn't feel anything anymore.

His parents brought out the birthday cake, placing it down in front of Jungkook. Everyone was singing happy birthday and laughing, waiting expectantly for Jungkook to blow out the candles and make a wish.

Jungkook took a look around the room, feeling disconnected. However, no one realised, they all thought he was just dazed. He took a deep breath and smiled the biggest smile he could muster. He vowed to himself that he would never feel lonely and sad again. He'd keep people an arms length away and focus on his studies instead.

He blew out his candles, making his wish.

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