~Part 6~

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Jungkook was 15, and Taehyung was 17.

It had been a little over a year since the incident that night, and Taehyung had stayed at Jungkook's house ever since.

To say Jungkook's parents were shocked the next morning, when they went to go wake their son, and found both him, and Taehyung, entangled in the bed would be a huge understatement. But when Jungkook explained what had happened, they immediately wrapped Taehyung in their arms and told him they'd talk to his parents while they were at school.

The two boys were really quiet that day in school, causing Jin, Namjoon and Jimin to worry. Yoongi though, understood the situation, and helped offer his silent support with Jungkook.

The whole day, the two boys worried about whether things would work out with Taehyung's parents or not. However, when they got home and saw the sorry looks on Jungkook's parent's faces, they knew it wasn't good news, and Taehyung burst into tears.

They all did their best to comfort the boy, and Jungkook's parents promised Taehyung that he could stay with them until his parents accepted him again, and that they wouldn't give up on talking to his parents.

So, a little over a year later, Taehyung was still at Jungkook's house, but his relationship with his parents was gradually getting better. He felt bad for burdening Jungkook's parents all this time, but he knew he couldn't rush his parents, in fear that they would shut him out completely forever. Their relationship was still somewhat strained at the best of times.

Instead, Taehyung would pack up a bag and spend a few nights, maybe a week, in one of their other friends houses, to give Jungkook's parents some space from him. By now, all their friends knew Taehyung's situation, and had open doors for him at any time he needed. At first, of course, Jungkook protested, saying his parents had no issue with him staying as Taehyung was family. He was like a son to his parents, so he didn't have to go anywhere else. Taehyung insisted that his parents need some alone time with just their son too, and after promising that he wouldn't go for long and would still spend the majority of the time at home with Jungkook, Jungkook finally relented.

So, a little over a year later, Taehyung was in the first year of sixth form starting his A Levels, while Jungkook was in his first year of GCSE's. Jimin, of course, was with Taehyung, and Namjoon was in the year above finishing his A Levels. While, unfortunately, Jin and Suga had already graduated, and started their first year at University. They had managed to get into the same University and seemed happy.

Jungkook, however, was not so happy, as he sat glaring across the table at a new guy called Hoseok, who was currently holding up a spoonful of food towards Taehyung, and saying "Ahhh~" all cutely.

Hoseok was actually the same age as Namjoon, but due to him failing the first year of A levels at his old school, he moved to this one to restart his A Levels. That wasn't the issue, however. Hoseok was a nice, and cheerful guy, he liked to call himself their hope. The issue he had with the guy though, was that he was gay too, and he was open about it.

Now, don't get Jungkook wrong. He wasn't homophobic, not by a long chance. He was best friends with Taehyung after all, and he accepts him the way he is. He accepts all people the way they are. But now, Taehyung had someone who understood him on a level that none of the others could.

It wasn't that they weren't supportive for Taehyung. They did all they could, and Taehyung appreciated that a lot. But, when it came to Taehyung wanting to talk things like guys or homosexuality, of course, it's easier to talk to a guy who's exactly the same as him, and can actually empathise, rather than a bunch of guys who he's comfortable with, but can only sympathise with him.

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