~Part 7~

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Jungkook had just turned 19, Taehyung was 21.

Taehyung had been at University the past two years, and was just starting his third year. The University was quite far from home, but his relationship with his parents had improved greatly. They were more accepting, and happy, that their son had chosen a boy that they knew well, and accepted, to date. So, during summer and breaks, when he had time, he would get a train back home and stay for a week or two. During his stay, he'd catch up with his high school friends if they were home from Uni for a bit too. But more importantly, he caught up with his boyfriend, who was still in Sixth Form doing his A Levels.

Not much changed after they started dating, except from the extra touches, and extra glances, and of course, the kissing. They loved the kissing.

Jungkook especially loved to receive the kisses. To Jungkook, the kisses were his favourite, just not necessarily the classic lip kisses. While he enjoyed those kisses, he had other kisses he preferred. Jungkook preferred the cheek kisses, and forehead kisses; the kisses to his hand, and the tips of his fingertips. He preferred the kisses to his nose, his eyelids, and to his temple. He particularly loved the Eskimo kisses, and the butterfly kisses too. For Jungkook, the cute and sweet kisses here and there, given randomly, served as little reminders to him that Taehyung was his. That he was loved by Taehyung, and Taehyung loved only him. A reminder that he had no need to be jealous, because Taehyung never shared any kisses with anyone else.

For Taehyung, he especially loved to give the kisses, and share his affection with the younger boy, who was still very shy and insecure at times. Though, Taehyung's favourite kisses were very different to Jungkook's. While he loved to give the younger boy sweet kisses in public to remind everyone that Jungkook was his, his favourite kisses were the more sensual ones given in private. Taehyung preferred the neck kisses, and the shoulder kisses; the type of kisses that ran up the neck, from the shoulder and collar bones, up along the jawline to the earlobe, and back down the jawline, before finally resting on the lips. He preferred kisses that took his breath away, quite literally, and kisses that were needy and desperate, full of passion. He particularly loved long make out sessions, and Spider-Man kisses. For Taehyung, however, his preferred kisses served as deep and meaningful messages, just for Jungkook, to convey just how much Taehyung really loved him. These kisses were also his favourite because of the reactions they would ellicit out of Jungkook; the way he would shiver in response, and lean in closer to Taehyung, his eyelids fluttering shut as he would sigh in bliss.

When Taehyung went to Uni, they both greatly missed the kisses and the touches, and the company of the other. They would Skype every day, but it was never the same as being right beside each other, and holding the other in their arms. The two boys longed to see each other, and feel each other. So, when Taehyung came home for a bit, they made the most of the time they had together.

The first summer after Taehyung's first year in University, the two boys one evening, took a stroll down to the little cove. Neither had been down there for quite a while, and the sun was still shining, starting to set in the distance.

They both walked along the shore barefoot, in comfortable silence, the sand and water between their toes, their hands linked and swinging between them. The boys were dressed in simple shorts and baggy t-shirts, as the weather was still fairly warm despite the time of day. The sky was clear, and starting to glow a soft orange. It was a perfect calm evening for a walk along the beach, and to just enjoy the company of each other. But, it may have been too calm for Taehyung; who had decided to stick a foot out in front of Jungkook to try and trip him up into the sea, giggling with mischief, and grinning from ear to ear. Before he took off running, due to the look that flashed across Jungkook's eyes, with Jungkook chasing after him, right on his heel.

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