Jungkook was now 12, and Taehyung was 14.
Jungkook had just started his first year at secondary school at the same school as Taehyung. This worried Jungkook because he didn't want to see Taehyung. Taehyung had betrayed his trust and broken his promise, leaving Jungkook alone. It caused Jungkook to isolate himself for his last year in primary school and he planned on isolating himself this year too.
For the first week, Jungkook was lucky and hadn't seen Taehyung once. It was a big school with many people, making it easy for Jungkook to find corners to disappear into, where no one will notice him. Yet, he wasn't so lucky in the second week. It was Wednesday lunchtime, and Jungkook was on his way to his hiding spot when he saw them. Taehyung and a dark haired boy, walking down the corridor towards him, laughing like best friends. It made Jungkook's heart pang and twist. That should be him beside Taehyung laughing. That was him in the past, but now was the present, and some other boy stood beside him.
Jungkook looked up and down the corridor trying to find an exit to run and hide into, he didn't want to see this, he didn't want to see him. Though, just as Jungkook was about to dart into a classroom until they passed, he was spotted.
"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled out to him, beaming brightly and waving at him. Jungkook's heart wrenched at the familiarity of this moment. His voice was still the same, if not just slightly deeper. His smile was the same rectanglular shape as he remembered, and the way he waved, reminded him of all the times he'd done that before. And Jungkook froze like a deer in headlights, with no where to go or hide.
Taehyung jogged up to him, the dark haired boy in tow, and pulled him into a bear crushing hug.
"Oh my god! Jungkook, it's been so long! You've finally made it to big school I see!" Taehyung said loudly and happily as he stepped back from Jungkook slightly, holding him at arms length, looking him up and down. But Jungkook wasn't happy. He stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact. This didn't worry Taehyung though, he figured Jungkook was just being shy.
"You know this kid?" The dark haired boy asked from behind Taehyung.
Taehyung, suddenly remembering he was there and thinking that this must be why Jungkook was being shy, casually slung an arm around Jungkook's shoulders and responded proudly with, "Yeah! This is my childhood best friend, Jungkook!"
His words and actions annoyed Jungkook. How dare he ignore Jungkook for almost two years and then suddenly act like they never spent that time apart. They weren't best friends anymore. Jungkook shrugged out of Taehyung's arms, stepping away and scoffed.
"Was." He said bitterly.
Taehyung looked at him in shock, surprised with Jungkook's actions. He was no longer the shy cute loving boy who looked up to him with such admiration, the boy that looked back at him had changed. The boy that looked at him now held coldness and hurt in his eyes, and Taehyung couldn't help but wonder what had happened to cause this innocent boy to change so much.
"J-Jungkook..." Taehyung stuttered, not sure where to start, or what to ask. But he didn't get the chance to even try before the boy had turned away, leaving Taehyung confused, staring after his retreating figure, and trying to work out if he should chase after him.
"Well, he seemed charming." The dark haired boy, Jimin, said to try and lighten the mood.
"He i-was," Taehyung quickly corrected himself, "I don't know what happened." He said, voice sounding like he was far away in thoughts.
Jimin took Taehyung's arm and led him away, sensing that Taehyung didn't want to say any more on the matter.
Jungkook watched the dark haired boy lead Taehyung away from afar, and the anger and hurt consumed him. He thought he didn't care anymore, but seeing Taehyung with a new friend and acting like old times with him again, brought all the feelings he'd buried and locked in a box come rushing out at once. Of course he still cared, of course he still missed his best friend. Taehyung was the only true friend he'd known his whole life. He just wanted his friend back. He didn't want to be alone anymore. But, Taehyung had broken that, and he wouldn't forgive him so easily for that.

Lifetime (Taekook)
FanfictionA story of two young boys who were childhood friends, grew up together, and eventually fall in love. Because who doesn't love a soppy cliched best friends romance story? ~ Again, I suck at descriptions, and I'm also the worlds slowest writer, so ple...