~Part 9~

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Jungkook was 26, and Taehyung was 28.

The two boys had long finished their University courses, and had moved to the city together to share an apartment. They both passed their degrees, and got themselves stable jobs. For the most part, both boys were happy. Their friends were too.

Taehyung became a psychiatrist, and worked with children. Which he found very rewarding and joyful, yet sometimes heart breaking, with some of the things the children had to go through. He was always glad to work with, and help children, of all ages though. While, Jungkook opened up a lamb skewer restaurant with Yoongi. They both shared a lot of the management duties, but it was mainly Yoongi who took charge of things such as cost and stock, while Jungkook liked to get his hands dirty helping out in the kitchen, and serving the customers. He was more of a hands on active helper, than being sat at a desk typing on a computer. As for Jin, he became one of their chefs, and Jimin became one of their waiters. Meanwhile, Namjoon became a philosophy teacher in a nearby city, and Hoseok became a choreographer for big entertainment companies.

Taehyung sat at his desk in his office, waiting for his next patient, thinking about how far they had all come over the years. Thinking especially about how far Jungkook and he had come over the years, and all the things they'd been through together. He picked up the small picture frame he had on his desk and looked at it lovingly. Inside, it held one of his favourite pictures of the two boys, one that was taken not long after the two had started dating. Taehyung thought back over how long ago it must have been taken, remembering that he was 17 at the time.

11 years. 11 years they had been together. Officially anyway, as they'd been together their whole lives, but 11 years was a long time to be dating. 11 years of being together as a couple was a long time for Taehyung to wrap his head around. Those 11 years hadn't been perfect, not at all. They had many bumps and cracks in their road, but they stuck together through it all, and remained strong. They were as in love with each other now, as they were the first day, and Taehyung knew their love would continue forever. He knew that Jungkook was the only love for him, and he the only love for Jungkook. They lived and breathed for each other, there was no other way.

So, that was why Taehyung knew it was finally time to propose to Jungkook. Even though, they knew they were bound together for life anyway, Taehyung wanted to officially tie the knot, and bind them together for eternity.

After asking Jungkook's parents permission, he had spent almost a month planning with the guys on when and how was the best way to ask Jungkook. He wanted the proposal to be perfect, because to him, Jungkook was perfect, and deserved no less. So, despite the grumbles from Yoongi about how he could propose with a Haribo ring over a night playing video games and Jungkook would say yes, the guys all eventually came up with the best plan they could think of.

And that plan was to be carried out tonight. 

On their 11 year anniversary.

Taehyung gripped the photo a little tighter, his hands becoming sweaty with nerves. He remembered this morning all too well. The tension that had been building for a few weeks, finally reaching it's peak, as they sat down for breakfast across from each other in silence. Neither wanting to be the first to cut it, or remind the other of what day it was today. Both silently hoping the other would say something first, so they knew the day wasn't forgotten, and that things were okay between them.

In the few weeks that Taehyung had been setting things up for tonight, he'd been going out a lot more often with the guys to help buy the material they needed for tonight, and to set up plans. With that and work, Taehyung was barely home, and when he was, he tried his best to half avoid Jungkook, so he wouldn't reveal his plans. He was awful at keeping secrets and surprises. However, he was also awful at hiding that he was hiding something, so Jungkook soon picked up on that, and that was when the tension grew. 

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