~Part 10~

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Jungkook was 27, and Taehyung was 29.

After just over a year of planning, they were finally getting married. Much to Taehyung's disappointment, the boys settled on a small wedding that fit the ideals of them both. Taehyung wanted everything; from churches with fancy clothes, to a reception with music and food. Whereas, Jungkook was happy with just signing a piece of paper at a registry office. He felt they didn't need something extravagant to prove their love to one another. Taehyung argued back about how it wasn't about proving their love, it was about the tradition and the once in a lifetime experience. The boys argued and debated over it for months.

Finally, with the help of all their friends, they settled on something that worked for both of them. The boys will sign the paper at the registry office, and then they'll dress up for a reception(ish) at the lamb skewer restaurant, exclusive to family and friends only. It was more of a party really, as it was only small. However, Jin had made a special menu for them, and Yoongi had set up the inside as best as he could to look like a real reception.

"Wow, you've done amazing!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly, as both he and Jungkook entered the restaurant early to help set up.

Everything had been moved. One half of the restaurant was set up with tables donning white cloths and turquoise flower arrangements, while the other half was clear except for turquoise balloons laying everywhere, and a DJ was set up.

Yoongi, who had been bustling around making sure everything was in order and checking with Jimin whether or not there were any more balloons, suddenly whipped around and tried to push them out the doorway.

"What are you guys doing here?! You're early! Far too early! The guests haven't even started arriving yet!"

"We thought we could lend a hand." Jungkook explained, not budging from his spot.

"This is your celebration, of course you're not lending a hand. You're meant to just have fun and relax. Go."

"There would be no point in us leaving now, we'd just have to come straight back again." Taehyung argued.

Yoongi sighed. "Sit." He gestured to a table. "You guys aren't to touch anything else in this room yet."

Yoongi made sure they obeyed his orders before disappearing somewhere out back.

"I guess I'll say congratulations on getting married, for us both, seeing as Yoongi is too busy right now." Jimin grinned at his two best friends, walking over with a balloon in his hand that he was trying to tie.

"Thanks, Jiminie!" Taehyung grinned back happily, as he stood up and greeted his best friend with a hug.

"Thank you, hyung!" Jungkook added, also smiling brightly with joy.

"You both are looking so handsome by the way." Jimin said, as he stepped out of Taehyung's embrace to take them in properly.

He was right. Taehyung and Jungkook looked stunning. They both wore matching black suits and shoes, the only difference being the colour of the ties they were wearing over their white shirts. Taehyung wore a red Iron Man tie in honour of his new husband, that he'd luckily managed to find online quite easily. While Jungkook wore a green alien tie, because although Taehyung wasn't as obsessed with outer space anymore, Taehyung was still wonderful and out of this world to him; in the most magical way.

"We know we are." Jungkook sassily replied. "You aren't looking too bad yourself, Jiminie, for someone so short and ugly."

"Hey!" Jimin playfully snapped, and tried to push Jungkook off his chair. "Remember, I'm older than you, you disrespectful little brat."

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