Ice cream but more like i scream

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Rachel's P.O.V

"I would like some chocolate ice cream please" I said to the lady taking the order. "I would also like some chocolate please, Rachel ice cream is on me" he said to the lady then to me. "Ow, thanks" I answered back. The lady handed us our ice cream cones and we walked to a table. "So this week has been really really weird" I told Leo. "You got that right" he answered back. "So are you going to pop the question" I asked in a funny way, making him laugh. "Well you just ruined what I was about to ask you" he answered back to me. "Well then" I said pushing him. "Ok, ok Rachel will you-" he said getting cut off. The lights turned off suddenly and the sound of someone running, me and Leo looked around with our night vision. Then we both saw the wolf the same one that was in the forest, he quickly changed to a human and ran to us, pulled a note out and laid it on our table and ran away. The lights suddenly turned on again, after a few seconds everyone was back to normal like it didn't even happen. Me and Leo looked at the note. It said -if you ever want to see your friend Alexis again, then you better give what I want, meet me at the rock crusher tomorrow at 6 sharp, when my friend tells you, you guys better give it to me by Saturday, or your friend will join the girl- "say what now" I asked Leo. Then Leo said "go out with me?" "Yes!" I answered. "Well then let's go" he told me as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out. He then changed to his wolf, mind linked me telling to changed form too. So I changed and he took off with me following, not far behind. "Where are we going" I asked Leo. He then answered "to find Alexis and if that doesn't work where going to get Alex and find that guy!"


Hey guys sorry I just wrote it in a big bunch:) Hope u all like the chapter. It took pretty long. Well don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me plz. Remember for the next chapter that they are going to find Alexis and remember the note and the guy.

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