Moving In

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Rachel's P.O.V.

After a while of searching our new territory we left invectively knowing how to get home. For 3 days none of us went to school because our books had told us every mix that would be in the pack, so we were out tracking all of them and telling them to get pack and some other stuff. We also got our packs' builders building right away. We also meet this mix who was a scientist, we call him Dr. D.


Remember Dr. D he's important!

After 3 days of tracking everyone our builders were done, talk about fast! It took 4 days for everyone to get here with there stuff because some lived across the country! After that everybody started to move in! Me and Leo were Alfa and Luna we were freaked out at first because were 15 and were already leading like 300 to 400 people! Luckily because we were so power full we didn't need anymore school, because last full moon our ability was being super smart and clever. We finally saw our house for the first time, that's right we got our own house no more living with parents, I got to say we have the best builders we had everything! We had an indoor pool, a indoor exercise room with the best stuff, an indoor basketball court, an indoor court for every sport, an indoor spa, and all the same things but outside also except the spa! We also have the best garden and field and beautiful green grass!

Me and Leo have the same room and the same bed:( but we each have our own closet and let me say the first thing I did was go into my closet it had my name in bold on the door. When I walked it was liked I walked into a mall! There was this computer that moved and everything! I went to see 5 iPads in the wall they each where a different color, blue, red, green, black, and white. I went over to them. The blue one controlled all things music in my closet. The red controlled all lights in my closet. The green one controlled all the clothes in the closet and was in the center. The black controlled the robot. And the white controlled the shelter, that's right there was a shelter! I walked over to the couch to see another iPad that was pink and controlled a food court, I could freaking live in my closet! I also had my own spa too. The robot came up to me "can I have your cloths and personal ideas are in the bath over there" the robot told me pausing after every word and then pointing to the bath room. I blushed a little bit. And then pointed him to all the bags with my stuff he than began to get to work. I went to my spa. When I was out I was amazed all my stuff was put away all my bags were put on this giant wall holding other bags and purses and all my cloths were put away along with all the other cloths I now owned.

My iPad, iPhone, Mac, and all my other stuff was also put away my electronics where on one of my couches I sat and finally realized I had a giant TV the size you see in the theaters I jumped a bit. Then the robot came grabbed all my electronics and disappeared into a room. He then came back but I saw all my electronics were replaced by new updated better versions. "I have moved everything you had to the better versions if you'd follow me I'll show you the case room" the robot said. "Ok, can I call you Robow?" I asked. "Yes and also I don't think you've seen these four iPads" he then pointed, Robow said. I saw them they were, purple, orange, yellow, and grey. The purple one controlled home theater. The orange one controlled the panic room. The yellow one controlled all the rooms. And the grey one contains all info about the closet. After looking at the iPads to see what they did I followed Robow to the case room.

When I walked in I was amazed their were cases everywhere! Each wall of case was labeled. iPad, Mac, iPhone, etc. that's some of the labels on the wall. "Wow!" Was all I could say after seeing the closet there was one more room I hadn't seen that was my office but wow was perfect for it. It had everything a great office would need to do any king of paper work! "Um Robow can you make me a map and put it next to the entrance so I don't get lost" I asked Robow. "Yes, and also anytime you need anything just yell well when your in the closet and also I set your devises to a new iTunes account where you can buy anything" Robow said I jumped up and down at the last part.

After the hole day I first got a pair of pjs which was different cause I picked them out of the iPad and it told me to walk in this toube thingie and I did and it dressed me! I picked out a shirt that said dogs rock and some pants with paw prints all over it. I then went to my shelter and saw all kinds out animals even wild animals it was more like a zoo!

After a while of riding Stary in our horse arena I went back out to my closet and played with the animals a little more and then went to our room. I went to the door of Leo's closet and pressed this button that allowed me to speak over his hole closet. I then said "will Leo please make his way to the exit and talk to Rachel." He then came and we fell a sleep in our bed.

When we woke up I went to my closet and got dressed in a sports bra, some underwear, some pants and walked out. Leo had on some underwear I hope and some running pants and we left. Everybody seemed to have already settled in and there were already shops that people owned! I saw all the builders in a breakfast place for a little calibration of what they all built. Everyone was crowned around them saying thanks, then me and Leo walked in and they all turned to look at us. Me and Leo walked up to the builders. "You are the best in the whole world" I said in a immature girly voice jumping up and down! "You are the best" Leo said giving all of them high fives. We than sat down and ordered breakfast. Then everything when back to normal, but they looked even prouder than before


Sorry it's probly overkill on Rachel's closet but I just couldn't stop! How u all loved it, I trued to make it really long. I'd like to say thanks to all how read my book because I didn't expect all these readers! But I'd like more commits plz!

Also I'm giving a shout out to who ever can do the following and if lot of people do it then I will pick a few especially the first one! And also if anyone could give me a shout out in there book and commit it I'd defiantly give u one!

Ok so here's what to do-

First- follow me

Second- add this book to your liberty if you can't that's ok

Third- vote!

Forth- commit as much as you can then commit done and I will read through all the dones and pick a few maybe a lot!

And also if u saw I put less paw prints I used to put them all in a row as far as they go in one line but I just figured that on an iPhone or iPod it has like 3 lines full of paw prints. So ya! Thanks for all the voted I've already gotten!

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