Eating like a dino!!!

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Rachel's P.O.V. (End of flash back)

While at breakfast I was having a flash back.

Ok so after breakfast, we ran all day long..... Because we had to go around and check the territory I complained a lot but we had to. So in the middle I puffed Stary and got on her and by that I mean laying on her while she follows Leo because he's less immature and his alpha part is on full right now... All of a sudden Stary's ears popped up and I quickly un puffed her and she was gone. I fell realizing I was on her when I un puffed her Leo quickly help me up. We pocked our ears up and look around. We smelled...... Rogues!!?!? "Ugh!" I yelled I didn't fell like dealing with them but I quickly shifted of course I ripped my clothes ugh again! I growled and I guess Leo was talking to his wolf Max or his Big cat Rudy or both cause he was zoned out I rolled my eyes and slammed my paw down right in front go him. He quickly jumps back and shifts tearing his clothes ugh I just bought though pants for him... We growled 5 rogues walked out I wolf smiled cause I could easily take them, so I lunged on a wolf and quickly teared a HUGE piece of his neck out he whimpered and then fell to the ground I smiled in victory but I quickly was pinned to the ground by 2 rogues while Leo and ugh back up was helping him capture them ugh I never get help I quickly throw them both against the tree and I stalked over there to them as I walk closer they are shaking in fear I wolf smiled again.

I quickly lunged at the closest one and snapped his neck and I lunged towards the other one and he moved but not fast enough cause I tear me jaw into his side and bit down hard he whimpered in pain and dropped to the ground he was alive but I just sat down and watched as he slowly died from bleeding in pain. He closed his eyes and was dead.

I walked over to Leo and I locked at the guy that was in silver hand cups I HATE silver! I was filled with rage cause he was the guy that kidnapped Alexis I was ticked off. I locked at him and was filled with hate I ran towards him of corse he was only in shorts since he Shifted. I ran him into a tree as best as I could in wolf form and lended against him will all might he was whimpering in pain "ill only ask once! Why and I mean WHY did you kidnapped my beta!!!!" I yelled at him he growled and I looked at him like 'bad move idiot' I smiled and lended more .


After we were done with putting those idiots in jail I ran to the fridge and quickly opened it to see all kinds of meat without thinking I shifted into my wolf Leo jumped " aw dang it those were my favorite shorts" he whimpered he always brings LOTS of short and shirts with him I licked my tongue around my mouth and started digging in but being the idiot I am forgot about packaging I growled and Leo ran over and with his wolf speed quickly un wrapped all the packaging and had all meat on table he tries to take some meat but I let out a huge growled he backed away and put his hands up in surrender. I started eating I ate like a mad person since I skipped lunch.... Stupid rogues! I shifted into a raptor Leo jumped again being the whim he is I rolled my eyes and continued eating I was a bit shocked but I was eating still.


Ok how was it!?!!?




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