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Ashley's pov

ok Ashley he is just another human staying in the same house as and nothing more.

Man I have a lot of unpacking to do so I get started.
As I unpack my suit cases my mind wonders to what  Jackson is doing. I mean I'm very attracted to him. Even just looking into his piercing sky blue eyes gives me goosebumps.

I need to stop thinking about him he probably doesn't even  like me the same way. Or he mostly has a girlfriend that I'm not aware of. I wish he didn't because I want him to be mine and mine alone.

Woah there Ash take it easy you just meet theguy and you already want to be his girlfriend...
Man what am I going to do now that I have to stay in the same house with the sexy arrogant Jackson... uggh this going to be a long break.

After I'm done unpacking my stuff which by the way took me about 3 hours because I love to travel and basically bring everything with me (note the sarcasm...😅😅)

I leave my room to go find out where Allison my mom's friend is. Right when I come out my room Jackson decides to come out of his. When i turn around I bump into his chest. God when is this gonna stop.

I was ready for the impact of the floor to come in tack with my ass. But it never happened. When i realize that I see Jackson has his hands around my waist and I have my hands resting on his chest.

I could feel his chest through the thin white v- neck he is wearing. Man he really does have a rock hard chest. I start to punch his chest. "Let me go let go of my waist"... With every got hit his grip just keeps getting stronger  and stronger which might cause bruises to appear.

Just as I thought he would stop he pulls me closer to where I could feel his breathe against my ear he whispers and I quote...

"You know you like it so why fight it" and with that he leaves me feeling flushed confused and embarrassed too.

Well what can I say he is right. I like it more than like. But whenever I'm around him my body seems to shutdown but my brain keep trying to tell me no but my body won't listen.

After our encounter I continue on to find Allison. I find her in the kitchen making dinner. It smells so good. "Hey Allison what are you making it smells delicious"... "Well my dear I'm making chicken Alfredo with salad on the side you mothers favorite dish ever"

Speaking of my mom "Allison do you know when getting home"..."Well sweety she should be her around 3:45 and it's only 2:50 , don't worry to much she will be here I promise"

"Ok I'm just gonna go watch some tv til' it's time for dinner let me know if yoi need any help"..."ok"

I really wish my momma was her. In the meantime let's see  on tv. Mmm, keeping up with the kardshians, The Real House Wife's of Atlanta, Or Empire. Well Empire it is.

Its just reruns and the 3rd season doesn't start until September 21st. I am a huge fan and can't wait for season 3. I just know it's gonna be good. They always leave cliff hangers and everything.

It's a show that will leave you wanting more and more as you watch it. But the thing is you can't just start watch from like the 2nd season you have to start at the beginning.

Cookie is my main girl. My favorite character besides Jamal and Lucious. They are all good actors too.

As I'm watching Empire I didn't notice Jackson coming and sitting right next to me.

I look over I find that he is already looking at me. Those piercing sky blue eyes. Gosh every time i look into his eyes I get lost in how beautiful they are.

I honestly don't know what it is about his eyes. I just know that they are so captivating and so dreamy. I feel like i could just sit there and stare at his eyes for ever and ever.

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