Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Ashley Morgan I'm 18 and currently attending The University of Michigan. I'm on a 4 hours and 56 minuets flight to visit my mother for break in California. I'm so excited because I haven't seen since I left home for College.

Yes I know I a mommas girl always have been. My dad hasn't really been i the picture since my birth so I dont really know a lot about him but part of me feels like he is always and forever will be with me no matter where he is.

As we fly got closer to Cali. I listen to my special playlist that I made just for this flight. There is something else you might want to know about me I am really afraid of heights so yea.

Mom texts me telling that there will be someone at the airport to take me to my friends moms house well be staying with them while I'm here visiting.

I eventually fall asleep just waiting for me to land in Cali. About two hours before we land I have to use the bathroom. So I get up and make my way the restroom. But before I make it to the aisle I fall and hit a rock hard chest.

A pair of strong yet soft set of hands rest on my waist to him me up. I looked up the person just to see that he is like he just walked out of a magazine. Gosh can I say that he is hot. No saying that would be an understatement   he is fucking sexy. I don't really get to check him out much because I rush I the restroom.

Ok Ashley get yourself together. breathe in and out in and out. I repeated that to myself several times before leaving the bathroom just to cross over the handsome man to get back to my seat.

Omg as if this flight couldn't go any slower. Just one more hour before we land so I plug in my headphones while i drift of to sleep. With only one thing on my mind that handsome hunck seated just a seat away from me.

Ok so this is the new book.
stay safe keep reading...xoxoxox😚😙😘😍

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