Chapter 6: The Destroyer ( Bridget's Journal)

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     ''Cole! I know what creature I'm supposed to destroy!'' I scream an excitement as I run right past my office which is close to his cell.

        Unlike the other prisoners that  escaped, Cole wasn't one of them. He looked flabbergasted when he found out they were all gone. But he seemed to maintain his cool this morning, and gave a big gulp, and his Adam's apple bobbed,''You do?''

        ''Yes, Cole, I really don't want to have that job, but everybody in this town keeps telling me that I'm destined to, and-''

            ''Bridget, don't you think I already know that already? I've been knowing for the past few years that a chosen one would rise, and come and save me, and the others, and defeat the vampires. And that person is you.''

             ''So... what are you trying to say?''

               ''You might want to sit down for this part, because you might faint.'' He spits out.

                I sit down and grab a spare chair, and glare at him, ready to hear whatever comes out of  his werewolf like mouth.(At least I think that's what he has when he turns into a werewolf.) ''Okay Bridget, thousands of years ago, there used to be all kinds of monsters and demons. Some demons even last for centuries, until they are destroyed.'' He pauses.''Now, these...mortals... are very rare. The problem is that they have to wait for a long period of time to do this which is called the blue moon, and are born only every million years, and they have extraordinary powers that can rip half of all monsters to shreds in less than a minute. For, that is, what helps them defeat the demons. They mold their weapons out of their amulets, to help them destroy whatever it is that they are fighting at the time. I believe, that the necklace round your very neck Bridget, is a destroyer's pendant. Let me see the back of it.''

            I flip over the object gracefully, and he reads it and says,''Yeah, that means 'destroy' in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Ha-di, you can basically burn away anything with that, and it will go away forever.'' 

                 ''Where does it go though?'' I ask.

       ''People have no clue, not even the past destroyers, but I think the object you light on fire will just burn to ashes.'' He admits.

                     ''Cole, have you gone bonkers?'' I question.

                     He answers in a childish manner,''Maybe.''And keeps on with what kind of weapons I should use to practice, and he also recommends that a psychic person can teach you how to fight a demon, vampire, or any other kind of monster. Immediately I thought of Margarrett, but the idea of her teaching me how to fight would be too dreadful. I can witness her now saying,''Hop! Jump! No, up higher!'' And I would fall off of a railing and- ''So, that's pretty much it, oh, and it can also be quite dark, if your going at night, so bring some night goggles if you can.'' Cole says, as I snap out of my imagination.

                       ''And, whoever is teaching you how to fight, make sure they can explain it more defiantly than I can. Oh, and somebody (or your trainer) has to be there with you to defeat whatever your destroying to make sure you're doing the spells right, and... so you don't burn to ashes too,but that's only if your not careful.''

       Just as Cole puts the 'l' on careful, Jake walks into the room and states,''Um, Bridget, we need your assistance.'' So, I get up, wave goodbye to Cole, and go back to work.


           ''You can do this!'' I think to myself. ''You can call Margarrett, and everything will be okay. Maybe...'' I reassure. With shaky hands, I type her number into my phone, and call her. I hear three beeps every 5 seconds until she finally answers her office phone. ''Hello Bridget,'' she says in a sweet old lady voice,''How are you? I know what you need now, you need me to guide you into training, so you can defeat the vampires on the blue moon. Trust me, I know all about it.''

                    ''But, how did you know?'' I question curiously.

        ''A little birdie told me, and that's how it all works out. Now, when do you want to start training?'' She              asks politely.

           ''Oh, maybe, I don't know, NEVER!''

       ''Okay dear, then it's settled, we'll meet tomorrow at six in the morning. Make sure to get some shut eye!'' Although she tells me to, I doubt I will.


         We met in the park, and what's weird is, she was dressed differently. She had a sports bra on,  ( I hope she did    after all) and a red Nike jogging T-shirt, black workout pants, and just to match, a red visor and white shoes with pink shoelaces( which didn't very well match together, and looked terrible on her). She hurried to the spot where the bench said,'RESERVED' and I ask her the stupidest question I have ever asked a person,''I didn't know you could reserve a park bench seat.''

          She replies back with''In Jena you can.'' I thought, oh god, she's just like my mother, but then she said something I REALLY didn't want to hear,''So, let's get started!''

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