Chapter 8: The Weapons (Bridget's Journal)

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       I'm actually crying right now. I really don't want to kill anything. You're probably like, ''Oh Bridget, get over it, you just have to destroy a few million vampires.'' But that's not what I'm thinking. They're human beings too (Or at least they used to be) I just can't think of that most upcoming horrible, dreadful, appalling, frightening, horrendous, Blue Moon night that Margarrett just told me about moments before I started writing in my journal. What I have to do is of nothing I've ever dealt with before, and I have to kill all the vampires on this certain night that's called the Blue Moon.

         Can't you just imagine it now? Killing vampires with stakes!? Margarrett also introduced me to the scythe. It's also used in combat, and it has a hatchet/axe type of look, but picture it with medieval colors. I bet you all know what a machete is, because that's the third weapon she gave to me. If you don't know what it looks like, it's half sword/knife. Mine's diamond encrusted with a blade handle. The blade is really sharp, and it looks brand new, like nobody's ever used it before. (I doubt that though, she probably just cleaned it with something to make it look nice and clean) Margarrett says that she's just showing the weapons to me, and that we wouldn't get into them until tomorrow. But you know me, how I would resist the urge to obey her, so...I guess you could say I didn't listen to her instructions like I should have.


        That night, I got out of bed and felt the machete in my bare hands for the first time. (The most beautiful, and my favorite weapon)  I made my machete and scythe by molding them out of my necklace that day. I didn't want Margarrett to know that I was going to play with them overnight. She told me that we were going to practice on using them tomorrow. She also replied, ''Bridget, I beg of you not to touch the weapons.'' But, of course, I ignored her warning. We were going to practice on dummies, but Margarrett thought I wasn't ready yet. I grip my machete tight, and think,''Perhaps I need something to try it on.'' Then I get an excellent idea.


          ''Oh my god! Bridget! Why did you do that!?'' I hear Margarrett call out to me as i wake up with drowsy eyes, surrounded by papers and trash, and broken glass all around me on my tile floor in my kitchen. ''Wh-what happened Margarrett?'' ''Oh I don't know Bridget you tell me!'' ''Um... the last thing I did was I remember wanting to practice the weapons I made yesterday.'' I said with sorry eyes. ''Then what happened?'' She asked angrily. ''I wanted to try my machete on something, but it backfired. Then I fainted.'' ''Oh Bridget, you're never, ever supposed to mold something without a protecter's permission, except if you're in danger, but that's why it didn't work. I told you not to play or mess with the weapons, didn't I?'' She asked with her brow raised.

         ''Yes, Margarrett.'' I say as I role my eyes.''You could have died last night!'' She says. ''Really? How?'' ''I just told you! Now get up and go make yourself some breakfast! We may not deal with the weapons today since you did that. Plus, if you use too much magic, you can get too tired, and that's what happened last night, Bridget. You got way too tired and fainted.'' She says this as I get out the easy-bake oven that I got when I was about 13 (and surprisingly it still works) and I look in my freezer and grab a frozen honey-bun that I start to heat on high. As she talks about what we're going to be doing today, I just say,''Hhhmm.'' And tune her out.


             At training, (in my backyard because Margarrett thinks the park would be a little too obvious if we brought vampire slaying weapons) she lets me use my weapons and she says,''Now missy, I'm not letting you off so easy. I'm going to be the one who gets the dummies out, not you. Now give me your amulet and I will cast the spell.''

             I hand her my pendant and she starts to say the weird enchantments again, and I act all eerie about it. Then she says,''Bridget, I know you don't really want to be here right now, in this position, but you're the only one to stop this mess. You are the Chosen One to slay the demons and other creatures. Some of them never really waned to become the creature they are now, but they had no choice. Some monsters change them into the being they are now, so the innocent ones know how it feels like to... to... die, or to almost die and come back. Some of them have been alive for centuries and want to be dead. It's because they're tired of fighting the need to prey all the time. Only the slayer can kill them as they go into the light, and you are that person. Now Bridget, do you get my point?'' I start to choke up an say through my tears,''Yes.'' ''Good, we can start weapon training now.'' She says as the plastic dummies show up out of no where. 


               I hated what Margarrett said. How demons actually want to be destroyed. She called it ''slaying'', but I don't want it to be called that, because it's way too gross of a word; I can't even believe I'm writing this down. I hope this is all some crazy dream, and before you know it I'll be in College at a University and I'll wake up and discover my life is great and I don't have to accept the fact that I'm a  17 year old vampire destroyer that has magical weapons that were created by a magical necklace long ago and I have to go into training with this  psycho lady. But sadly, I don't see that happening anytime soon. Maybe I need to talk to Jake, in person this time.


             Jake told me his address, but I've never been over there before, I'm kind of nervous I've never actually been to a boy's house before. I wish I had a brother though, that way it would be much more easier, and I wouldn't be so freaked out about it. I brought a little surprise over for Jake, and I don't think he's going to like it very much! (Because he can't see it!) Margarrett gave me a tool belt to keep all my weapons in.(And it's visible to all destroyer's too) So Jake doesn't even know know what I'm planning. He has no freaking clue.

            As I ring the doorbell to his house, I see garden gnomes,spare bricks here and there, and some garden supplies that were just left there all alone. He finally walks up and opens the door. ''Bridget, how-'' He starts to stare at my waist, where I put my tool belt at. ''Jake, you can see that?'' ''Yeah what is it?''


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