Chapter 9: The Other Destroyer (Bridget's Journal)

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             ''But... it can't be. This tool belt can only be seen by...'' I pause. ''What do you mean?'' Jake asks. ''No, no, no you can not be a...a... destroyer.'' ''A what now?'' Jake questions. ''Jake, I think we need to go inside. This is a very long story to tell.


                As we sit down on his comfy leather couches, I explain to Jake what Cole and Margarrett explained to me, and that he needs to go into training with me, and all this other crap about slaying demons, and monsters. He just looks at me with a confused expression on his face and says,"Bridget, you're so crazy, but somehow I think I believe you. It all fits into place, how the attacks happened and how I feel about life now. I feel almost like I'm invincible, like I can do anything. And I think I may even believe you how you told me Kileigh is a vampire, and how Cole is a werewolf. I don't know why I just feel like it's true in the pit of my stomach.'' "It is true Jake. Why would I make up something like that?'' I laugh and say,"You can even talk to Cole and Margarrett. You probably need their help anyways, because you can't do this alone.''

                    ''Why couldn't I?'' He asks sarcastically. I just shake my head and get up off the couch and say goodbye, and give him Margarrett's phone number to her psychic office. I see him glaring at the card curiously. It says,''Ms. Margarrett Broudoux, Office 319. 1-821-827-6777. FREE PSYCHIC READINGS!'' ''Well, they're not free anymore, but they are 50% off!'' I shout with enthusiasm as the whole house echoes my words.

                     "Oh, I'm so sorry!'' I chuckle with brightness. ''No, my walls do that. I guess that's why nobody ever comes to visit me, and I don't have any family left over either. Well, except my Great-Uncle, but he has cancer.'' "Jake, I'm so sorry, if there's anything I can do for you, holler for me.'' I give him a big hug and smile as I walk out the door.


                      I told Margarrett about Jake and how he's a destroyer like me. She said,''Oh my god Bridget! This is so very rare! This has not happened for hundreds upon hundreds of years ago! I am blessed to teach you and Jake together. You will be much more powerful with each other. You know what they say; 2 or more is better than 1. But I will still be there to guide you.'' ''Thank you, Margarrett, I owe you allot.'' Not knowing what I would do without her guidance. After our surprising bonding conversation, I tell her I would bring Jake to training tomorrow with me, and we would have a whole other lesson about weapons and exercises to help you succeed killing vampires and other supernatural beings of the Earth.


                        At Straivart's Jailhouse, I visited Cole in his cell and told Jake to get his butt in here. ''Um...hello.'' Jake says to Cole for the first time awkwardly. ''I'm a...a...'' ''He's Jake.'' I say suddenly to eliminate the friction toward the two. ''Well, nice to meet you Jake.'' Cole stares up at me and points to Jake and asks me,''So...why is he here?'' "Cole, Jake is a destroyer like me, and-'' ''Holy pearl! you're a vampire slayer too!?'' Cole interrupts. ''Yes, Cole, I'm a destroyer just like Bridget.'' Jake says boringly.

                        ''Anyways,'' I tell the rest of the story to Cole, Jake sometimes butting in when I leave out some of the important parts. I could tell that Cole was tired of listening to my boring story, so I leave him be and walk out with Jake at my side.

                   ''Cole's kind of weird.'' Jake says worriedly. ''Oh shut up, there's nothing wrong with Cole, he just has anger issues because he's a werewolf.'' I tell him bluntly. ''A what?'' I hear Kileigh call as she walks up behind us out of nowhere. ''Oh, we were just talking about...'' Jake trails off. '' new dog.'' I offer as I back him up. ''Yep...Bridget has a new dog.'' Jake calls with fakeness in his voice. ''Well, Miss Barnes and Mr. Malone, you best do your work, and stop talking about...Bridget's new puppy. Okay?'' She says with sass. ''Yes, Ma'am.'' We both say at the same time. Kileigh gives out a little ''Hhmm.'' And walks away. Jake and I both give a sigh of relief and get back to work.


                  Today is Jake's first day of training and he already hates it. He has met Margarrett and thinks she is a total fruit loop. I agreed with him, and we giggled like little school girls passing on a rumor throughout school. Now, since Jake is new to training, he doesn't know anything about anything, so we had to restart the whole training process all over again. But I'm thankful that I don't have to do this job alone, because that would be very bad.

                 Jake's been acting very scare and nervous lately, so I tell him, ''Get your act together and stop acting like a baby!'' No, that's not what I said. I actually told him,''Jake, it's okay to be scared of this, I was to when I found out I was a destroyer. I didn't even come out of my house for a few days. The only thing I ever did was go and get groceries, play on the internet, sleep, and eat. That was pretty much it. But I don't want you to be the hermit I used to be. You have me Jake, and we can get through this,'' I pause and then add,''Together.'' I didn't even know why I said that, it just popped straight out of my mouth. But that's not all I said,''And...Jake, if you ever need me, call me. Or you can even come over to my house. But call me first.'' I point out. All he did was shrug, nodded his head, and reached over and squeezed my hand. 


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