Chapter 13

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6:11AM. Medicine.

I shift in bed and feel warmth beside me and I sit up. It was Louis, when I moved backed to London, I had contacted him as soon as I got here because I had no place to stay. Now we both live in the same apartment with his daughter, the mother had left, she still visits but the kid was Louis' responsibility. I remember back when she was pregnant and now Louis' daughter is 6 years old. Her name is  Janet.

"Good morning," He gives me a warm smile and his morning raspy quiet voice seemed so soothing. "You had one of those nights again, it's okay, you'll eventually forget"

"I don't know what happened last night, I came home and I got a call, they said they're coming to me," I say, helpless and confused. Louis sighs but gives me a sympathetic look.

"There was no call Audrey, nobody is coming, I walked in last night, you were rumbling around your room, scared, you didn't know what was going on, it's happened before you know that... and I stopped you once again," Louis explains.

"I tried to kill myself again.. didn't I?," I break down in tears.

"Listen, I think you had too much to drink last night, I think it's better if you stop going out and drinking," Louis says, he holds my hand and squeezes it as his other hand rubs my back.

I get up from bed and walk over to my closet and find the box, on the floor, open it and examine the gun. It was empty.

"Louis how many times have I told you to stop hiding my bullets from me... what if someone actually comes in one day and I have nothing to defend myself with?," I look at him in disbelief and frustration.

"Audrey, it's time for your pills," he gets up and leaves the room. I was prescribed with anti-depressants because of my suicidal thoughts. I walk out my room and go over to Janet's room. She was still asleep in her bed, I slowly stroke her hair with a small smile on my face. Janet heals me, her small mind and thoughts lighten you up. Louis brings me my pills and a glass of water and I take them quick. Janet shifts in bed.

"Good morning," I say softly.

"Wher-where's my dad?," She sits up and rubs her eyes.

"He just went back into the kitchen, you better get up its time for school," I softly tickle the sides of her tummy and she giggles. She then pecks my cheek and leaves the room as I get her school uniform ready for her.

6:45AM. Coffee.

I grab my cup of coffee and walk back to Janet's room. I see Louis brushing her hair and putting it into a little ponytail. My heart melts inside and I can't help but smile. He is a good father.

"And you'll come to my play right? I'm a ballerina in it!," She looks up at him. He nods and pecks her cheeks as she clings on him. We all then head to the door.

Once we drop Janet off to school, I drive Louis to his car dealership office. We were riding my car today, using one car makes things easier but some days Louis just takes his car.

"Uh.. I wanted to ask whether you want to come to Janet's play?," Louis asks. I stop at the redlight and take another sip of my coffee.

"Isn't Julie going? She's her mom," I ask.

"I called her, she's not she said, she has some sort of gathering," Louis tells me.

"Yeah.. a gathering at the club, that's what it is or she'll probably be messing around," I scoff, he shakes his head.

"I try with her, Julie, you know I do but i don't know, she just doesn't seem to give a shit," Louis sighs.

"Whatever it's fine, I'll be there for the play," I say.

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