Chapter 4: Kittens and A Crash

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Friday, Aurora thought in content.

It's finally Friday.

Rays of sunlight peaking through the cracks of the drapes tickled her skin lightly, reminding her of the early morning.

Aurora flipped her pillow to the colder side, and sighed in content as her head sunk into the fluffy marshmallow-like material. She internally wished she could stay there forever.

Soon enough, all of her troubles came rushing into her mind and she groaned.

Dick squad, college, and the man in the cloak.

The man in the cloak.....

Aurora felt the need to see him again, despite not knowing the first thing about the strange man.

What's his name? Has he just moved here?
How does he like his eggs in the morning?????

She laughed at the last thought, lazily reaching for her now ringing phone.

"Hello?" Aurora half yawned into her phone.



"What?" She spoke her mind, sitting up.

Her hair stood up in a nest as if she had been electrified many times throughout the night and she sighed, poking at it.

"Aurora. Me. You. Graveyard. Now!! It's important I promise."

"Hailey I have class today." Aurora yawned, although the mere thought of skipping sounded amazing.

Hailey hung up in her face, knowing her best friend had no choice but to comply, and she did. She didn't even question why Hailey picked the courtyard as she does things like this so often.

I'm going to the graveyard at 10 am. Aurora laughed at the thought.

Aurora took her time getting dressed as she thought of how her grey bearded ethics professor wouldn't even realize her absence. She liked to imagine he cared though. It says something about his character.


The graveyard was uncomfortably close to Auroras house, hence her reaching Hailey in no more than ten minutes.

"AURORA!! You're here okay good come come come" she stressed, jumping up from the bench she was sitting on and grabbing the poor girl's hand.

Her brunette coils bounced around her face as she hastily dragged Aurora to her car. She was dressed in laid back clothes similarly to Aurora, which meant they weren't going on some crazy adventure.

Good, I have no energy.

She swung open the back door to her red, sticker-clad mini van (which she had surprisingly gotten for her birthday, since her parents insisted cars were a waste of money) and a wave of cigarette smoke filled their nostrils.

"I couldn't just leave them!" She cried, scooping up three of them in her arms and squeezing them tightly.

"Hailey, you couldn't just have showed me later? Or sent me a picture??"

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