Chapter 2: Zeus's Favor

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Hades got bored of his mini game and finally managed to rid the curious mortal with a little bit of a hustle. That, or she got tired of chasing him. Either way he was alone again.

He sighed, shuffling out of the crammed store.

The small bell chimed and the chubby associate quickly wobbled out from the back, hoping to catch one last sight of the intriguing man.

He was out of luck.

Brushing dust off of his long cloak, the god continued his distracting walk around the human world.

The air was much more fresh up here and Hades didn't mind stretching out his visit.

I could get one of those pesky demons to continue my work.

The soft wind blew through his thick, inky hair and gently swept his cape behind him, making him feel a bit more glorious inside.

After all, a god does tend to look godly.

He wandered towards a crowded park, and sat on an empty bench a little farther from a colorful swing set.

Hades watched a little boy with similar features as himself bounce around the park with a stone set expression. He didn't necessarily always feel so dull, it was just the state his face rested in. His brothers used to tease him all the time for it and Hades scoffed at the bittersweet memory, relaxing some of the tense muscles in his face.

The little boy attempted to climb a tree, while the other kids climbed the monkey bars. What a little outcast, he thought to himself. Reminds me of someone.

Having gathered a positive view from the short amount of time he's been up here so far, he confirmed his thought to stay a while.

He didn't want to admit it, but Hades longed to socialize. It was a very irregular feeling for the god of the underworld, but doesn't everyone feel like they need some attention every once in a while?

Anything but those dimwitted demons.

Hades shuddered.

The raven haired boy was unsuccessful climbing the thick tree trunk, and instead fell, landing on his elbow with a sickeningly crack. Hades' excellent hearing caught the sound perfectly, and as the child began to wail for his mother, Hades uncomfortably diverted his attention.

"Locate the nearest hotel." Hades spoke into his Bluetooth, which wasn't really a Bluetooth. Sure, it looked like one and functioned like one, but it wasn't the same puny electronic device humans were accustomed to.

They were called Dots.

All of the gods owned one of these intricate devices, and were required to wear them at all times possible in order for them to get in contact with each other at times of urgency. Not only did a Dot allow for smooth communication with the others but it also connected into every technological database that existed at the time.

"No." Spoke a voice back, and Hades was startled.

Had he accidentally dialed someone?

"Zeus???" Hades stood up, a frown etched onto his sculpted face.

A muffled laugh sounded from his ear, and Hades groaned.

"Go away, locate the nearest hotel." Hades said in monotone, and his brother's snickering became more evident.

"Zeus!" Hades angrily boomed and people around him jumped from the loud rumble of his voice, but he was careless.

"Hello little brother, watchu doin?"

"I'm older than you, you ignorant little-"

"ANYWAYS, I was going to ask a favor of you, my dearest brother."

"No." Hades huffed, his fingers now tangling the locks of his hair as he continued to stroll around the park.
People were staring at the strange man in black who was seemingly talking to the air, and yet he continued.

"But Hadeeeeeeeeeees!" The god despicably whined, and Hades gritted his teeth from the loud noise in his ear.

"Zeus! Enough funny business! Tell me what you want of me, and I will consider it." He grumbled.

Maybe I should turn off this shitty shit Dot.
The hell is a Dot, anyways? Hades never liked the thought of Zeus being able to holler in his ear whenever he liked, no matter his actual location.

"Okay, okay. Here it goes." Hades rolled his eyes at his younger brother's rambling. Zeus was always his least favorite sibling, and not just because he banished him from Olympus. That's another story for another time.

As Zeus continued to ask his older brother the ridiculous favor, Hades bent over to pick a flower from a small bush. It's sharp thorns pricked at the lords finger, and he sucked in a breath through his teeth. Fuck.

It was a beautiful, pink fluffy flower and Hades was mesmerized from the beauty it withheld. The god then realized it was the same flower that was imprinted on the brunettes dress back in Halloween-Town. Hades waved his hand over the flower, and a thick clear fog clouded the plant, preserving it. Satisfied with his doing, he continued to walk. Only then he tuned his hearing back to his brother's rambling.

"Yeah, yeah Zeus. I understand."

"So you'll do it?" Zeus's voice sounded hopeful and Hades could almost see the idiotic look on his face.

Do what again?

Hades heavily sighed, realizing he hadn't caught a single word of his brother's rant.


"OKAY, okay! Just please, no more whining! Zeus, brother, fellow god, I sure do hope no one heard you begging. Oh how embarrassing would that be!"

Zeus hollered in protest and his brother simply stopped listening.

Hades delicately twirled the crisp flower. He did not really mean that, for he hoped that one day the people of Olympus would grow brains and see what a child Zeus was.

Oh, poor Zeus.


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