Author's Update/Announcement

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Good afternoon my precious readers, followers, and anyone else who is reading this! I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in these crazy times.

It has certainly been a rollercoaster for me, as I was faced to deal with college work, exams and finals, alongside the effects of this pandemic. Thankfully, I have managed to steer clear and remain healthy, and so has my family.

Amongst this entire craze, my cat even had kittens! I have attached a photo of them in hopes of spreading some positivity and smiles (:

Of course I have not forgotten about Hades!! I was thinking about this book the entire time, in fact, anxiously rushing to get my course work done well so that I could reward myself by coming back to writing. It did pay off, and here I am!

I am currently working on updating Hades either later today, or early tomorrow, depending on how early I finish my studies for the day.

I really do hope everyone is doing alright, and just know, my messages are always open if anyone needs any form of support or help.

I also want to express my gratitude to those who have been continuously reading, voting for, and commenting on Hades even though I seemed to be on a Hiatus for a bit. Thank you guys so much! I wouldn't have came back if there wasn't interest left for Hades, so I am thankful for that.

Stay healthy,
Stay safe,
And make smart choices!

See you guys the next time I update! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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