Chapter 2

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The next day I woke up in my room. My dad was standing at my locked door trying to pry it open.

Emery: Your a white runner dad. Seriously this should be easy.

Dad: OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR. For a wolf you are a heavy sleeper.

I went to my closet and pulled out a green tank top and some gray ripped shorts.

I opened my door and my dad stood there tiered.

Emery: some wolf.

Dad: your gonna be late so transform and turn back in the woods.

Emery: oh... Uh do I have to.

Dad: I understand you don't want people being your friend just because your the daughter of me a white runner.

Emery: It's happened once and I'm not letting it happen again.

I walked out of the house in wolf form. I spot Damon and Xavier running for school.

I run over. I motion for them to get on my back. They look at me confused.

Xavier: She not faster than me.

Damon shot him a look. Get on.

(The reason Damon and Xavier don't turn into wolves is because if they do their clothes are ruined. Emery has a necklace with a moon on it so that when she turns her clothes will be on her. )

Damon: so uh before we go. Who are you?

I shake my head and launch into the forest. I hear Xavier screaming and Damon laughing.

I run through and around the trees. When we get to the school Xavier looked at me.

Xavier: Look it's that wolf from the race on our pack run last week.

Damon: Yeah what's your name dude.

I growl.

Xavier: Damon that's a girl.

Damon: HOW? The fastest wolves are white runners.

I hear the bell and have no choice I have to change in front of them.

I transform back into human. My clothes remain the same.

Damon: EMERY????

I laugh. I wave a small goodbye and walk to the school.

When I get inside there is a lot of commission around the princpal.

1 Kid: sir there was a white wolf and two kids were riding the wolf. And and...!

Principal: calm down.

Sara is my sorta friend she was the only one who knew about my dad.

Sara: GOOD GOING EM. They are on to us.

I looked down. I instantly felt regret. I didn't know people were watching. I looked around at everyone who was now staring at me.

Principal: Miss Emery may I speak with you.

Most of the reason no one talks to me is because of my seeing the future power I'm said to have special needs. I hold my head and fall in to a slow sleep.

Emery: Yes sir.

We walked into his office. I shut the door behind me and looked at him while he brushed his fingers through his hair. He coughed and sat down at his desk. He pulled a pen from the jar to his left and a hall pass from his right. He began to write on it.

Principal: so I wanted to know about your special needs that we have just seem to find out about.

I gulped. What does it matter? My father told him his self.

Emery: Well I've had it for 5 years now. It causes a somewhat brain malfunction where I fall asleep. When I wake up I'm scared confused and most of the time don't know where I am.

I saw a dark room behind the principal with a picture of his family and my mother to the side.

Emery: Sir? Did you happen to know my mother?

Principal: What's her name?

He starred at me for a moment as I contemplated continuing.

Emery: Eva Wills.

The principal started at me deeper and darker. As if he was trying to find something.

Principal: Well in fact I did. In high school. When sophomore year began I was a new kid sitting in that same chair you are in. Same school to. The principal had your mothers brother Allen show me around. When I got the hang of it me and him became really good friends. One day I had let Allen borrow one of my jackets and I forgot to get it back so we agreed that I would come and pick it up. He seemed nervous about me coming over. I never knew why. Anyway, when I got there Eva was sitting on the couch reading a book much like you do a lot now in class. We talked and I asked her out on a date. She had a boyfriend who is your father. I alway wondered if she would come back. I wonder if I could meet her.

Emery: I'm so sorry sir but my mother past away a few years back.

Principal: oh. Oh that's... That's horrid.

He looked down at the floor. I turned my head to the door and reached for the pass. Quietly I left the room. Creepy. I look outside and see a black wolf deep in the forest. I recognized this wolf. Uncle Allen???

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