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Annabelle's P.O.V

    I sat waiting in the hall for a nurse or my aunt or anyone to come and tell me something. It's been a while now since she's been in the ICU and I'm so worried, I can't lose her. The thought just scares the hell out of me.

My head was now fill with thoughts and questions and the scenario where she got hurt, keeps playing over and over in my head. I tried focusing on a magazine, but nothing seems to stop the overflowing thoughts in my head from coming.

That is, until the last person who I would like to see, shows up in the hospital asking about a teenager being admitted because of an animal attack.
Was it him who attacked us? Or,
Was it him who rescued us?
Either ways, what the hell is Jacob doing at the hospital, looking for

He looked tired, as if someone just woke him. He wore a plain white Jersey and jeans,with his hair all ruffled. These guys really are attractive. The nurse pointed at me and quickly I hid behind the magazine, but saw him smiling when he recognized me.

"I see you're educating herself over here", he remarked while taking a seat next to me.
I stare at him in disgust but then realised the magazine was on reproduction and there was a large vagina printed on the cover. He laughed at my facial expression. I hate this guy. Clearly he has the most annoying humour and above all I always seem to be making a fool of myself when around him.

"Well I'm sure it's nothing you're not an expert on", I blurted out sarcastically.
"In fact I am, I can show you if you want to", he grin mischievously. Eww, never ever. At least not with him.

"Go to hell", I told him in disgust. When I asked for a distraction, I didn't mean him.
"Suit yourself, but I'm always available". He stared at how annoyed I was getting and smirked.
"What do you want Jacob?"

"I came, to be properly thanked for saving your ass from getting killed", he replied. So he did save us and I believe him.
"Well sorry to disappoint you Captain America, but you didn't save anyone's ass. My best friend, is in an ICU because of your moths", I spat in anger causing every one to look.

He wasn't scared he just look at me pitiful."You look terrible", he remarked.
"Thank you, thank you for noticing", he was not helping at all. Instead he talks about my appearance. Of course I look terrible, my best friend is in the ICU, INTENSIVE CARE UNIT, you moron. I wanted to shout at him but instead I took deep breaths and relaxed.
That didn't stop him though.
"Why are you so feisty, you never give anyone a chance, like ever", Jacob elaborated but I just I chuckled,"And now, look where I am for that".

He looked sorry for me now. I felt sorry for myself.
"You shouldn't blame yourself".
"My father is executing the wolf that did this if it makes you feel any better. He broke a rule", he said soothingly but I just gave him a weak smile. Revenge is not me. I just want my friend to be okay.
I rest my head on his shoulder. He whined from surprise but allowed it. I felt awful and for some reason this was very comforting at the moment.

"What happened? To the wolf", I asked. "He couldn't control the moons pull", he sign.

"Has that ever happened to you?", I lifted my head off his shoulder to see his face on distress. That answers my question.

"What happened?", I asked softly, so I could get him to talk but he resisted,"I don't like to talk about it. My mistakes have cost my pack's survival. I could never be a good alpha that's why Derek got the position", he sighed.

"My brother, after the incident, I didn't mean it but I couldn't control myself at all. That wolf tonight, I know what he felt. My father did everything but my punishment was that I could not be alpha. All my life, I was over shadowed by my brother's success. But he's my brother", I held his hand. I finally saw his good side. All his bad boy looks is just built up from regrets. He loves his brother even though he would become alpha instead of him. He's good.

"I could control it now though and it's not like my brother wouldn't make a good alpha", he said meanly trying to stop his tears from falling and sounding manly.

I let go of his hand. First he opens up and then he shuts you out. That boy has issues. Right after he left, my aunt came running in with Chelsea's parents.

I froze when I saw them. I felt terrible now. Them. My night just got worst.
"Where's our daughter?", they ask worriedly.
"She's,she is in the ICU still", I stammered.
Chelsea's mom, Meridith held her stomach and cried,"Oh my baby_", while her husband held her. Terrible doesn't even term now. It's my fault. I looked at my aunt who was ready to take me home.

"You've done enough", she said.
I didn't want to leave but I do need the sleep. It's been an awful day.

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