' He said he was in love with you..'

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Pov Lauren

' Lolo, can you give me a ride to school please?' Dinah asked when she walked in the living room.
I sighed.
' Pleaseee' She begged.
' I don't have my own car right now.. So Lolo, please'.
' And why would I do that?' I asked with a frown.
' Because you love me' Dinah said when she took me from the couch.
' Okay then' I said when I grabbed my car keys.
' Thanks Lo' She said.

' Thank you so much, I'll see you at 4 o'clock' Dinah said when we arrived at school.
' Yeah I'll see you then' I said.
Dinah walked out of the car when I grabbed my phone.
When I checked my messages I heard someone knocking at the car window.
I looked up and I saw it was Camila; a girl who was a year younger than me and studied at the same school as Dinah and I.
I was kinda confused because I never really talked to her.
I knew her from school and I knew she was in the same class as Dinah but that's it.
I opened the door so I could hear what she was talking about.
' Hi' She said.
' Hi?' I said confused.
' Oh yeah it's kinda weird that.. Uhm you know, knocked at your car door' Camila began.
I nodded.
' I'm Camila, you're Lauren right?' She asked me.
I nodded once again. ' I'm Lauren'.
' Hi Lauren, I thought.. I mean.. You are a good friend of Michael right? Michael Clifford?' Camila asked.
' Yeah? Did something happened?' I asked worried.
Since he went missing - 1 month ago- I'm still worried that something bad happened to him.
I winked to the car seat next to me so Camila could sit.
She took a seat. ' No I don't know, I just saw him a lot at a cafe I'm working in but now he's not coming anymore' Camila began.
' He talked a lot about you and I know he has some problems and stuff.. So maybe, you would knew what happened' She said.
' No I don't, I sadly don't know what happened' I sighed.
' Btw, what was he talking about? Which problems?' I asked Camila.
' He always said he had a difficult life because of some ' mistakes' he made' Camila answered.
' Did he say something more?' I asked curious, hoping that I could figure something out.
Camila shook her head while she was thinking. ' He said he was in love with you though.. Oh and he was talking about everything he found perfect about you' Camila smiled.
' Why are you smiling?' I asked.
' It was cute, he really liked you' She said.

' Oh fuck, I have to go, I'm already too late for class' Camila said when she opened the door.
' I'm sorry for disturbing you' Camila apologized.
' No, no it's okay, thanks for telling me this' I said.

While I was driving on my way to our apartment I turned on the radio.

They were playing ' Thinking Out Loud' from Ed Sheeran.
The song Michael and I kissed on a few weeks ago.

I switched to another radio station as fast as I could.
I have to forget him like everyone says, right?

But before I could forget him, I saw a purple haired guy walking in an alley.
When I looked again he was gone.
Was that Michael?
He was tall, was wearing black skinny jeans and has a purple haircut.
I'm sure it was Michael.

But if Michael would be in Miami right now,
Why is he hiding?

Gonna Get Better - Lauren Jauregui / Michael Clifford (5HSOS)Where stories live. Discover now