First Kiss

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Santana's POV:

We didn't move, we still haven't moved, our lips are just...together, its been like 3 seconds, my eyes are closed and I don't want to move, the feeling inside my stomach is indescribable, I don't want it to stop. I felt her pull away, I immediately wanted her lips back on mine. I opened my eyes hoping she wasn't freaked that I made a move, I did lean in first. She was staring at me with Piercing Blue eyes, I couldn't tell if she was happy or not...

"Woah" Is all she said and I took that as a good sign.
"I know the feeling" She smiled.

Brittany's POV:

I didn't want to pull away, It felt so good. I wanted our lips to stay connected but I needed to see her face, I was staring at her and she was staring right back at me a smile in her eyes. I couldn't tell what my facial expression was I was caught in a total daze, all I managed to say was,

"Woah" her smile grew wider.
"I know the feeling" I smiled knowing she felt the magic. Yes 'magic' That is exactly what it felt like. I know in all romantic movies they all have that one kiss that sends electricity through there bodies, and you all think its just to make the film better but...It really does happen. I felt this wave crash into me like my whole body woke up, I wanted to feel it again.

Santana POV:

Like magnets we both leaned in at the same time, this time it was more eager to be close to one another, our lips moved in a perfect rhythm, I needed more of her, I slid my tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, when she opened a little I took that as my queue to go in. Our tongues touched and a whole new wave of desire took over my body. Things were getting quite heated but we were interrupted by a group of teenagers coming into the park.

I have to admit we were in an awkward position because we were on separate swings.
We sat looking at what the teenagers were doing hoping they were going to leave, when we realised they wernt we decided to head back to the apartment.

The walk home was silent, not an awkward silence just a ' We are both totally thinking about what just happened' kind of silence.

At the apartment:

we were currently sitting on the sofa, she asked me if I wanted a drink but I refused her offer.
I decided to break the silence. She had obviously not been in this situation before, neither had I but I thought it would be best if I said something.

"So??" Real subtle Santana nice one. She looked at me I was blushing, maybe I should of just stayed silent.
"So..." Is all she replied.
"What did that mean to you?" I figured might as well get straight down to it, no need to be shy now.
"Well, you leaned in first, what did it mean to you?" She was right. Well might as well confess now. I coughed awkwardly.
"Oh, well, if I'm being honest here, I like you a lot Brit, I mean you're beautiful, sweet, kind, always happy, just a great person. When I first saw you in Starbucks even before you came over to buy me a coffee, I thought you were the most beautiful person, and then I saw your eyes. Obviously I gave off a bad impression yelling at that guy, I normally don't feel bad or care whos looking when I rage out like that but knowing you saw and heard everything I wanted to take it all back because I didn't want you thinking I was a bad person. And when you were kind enough to bring me to your apartment and basically give me a job, I was so grateful. But I don't just like you because of all you have done for me, I like your personality to, I am pretty sure I haven't seen the half of it yet because you are full of surprizes but I hope I get to know you more, from the moment I saw you I knew deep down you were going to be part of my life. Even if you don't feel the same I hope we can be friends, I know I'm probably not your type for many reasons...I mean lets face it I am a bitch. And you don't look like someone who would hang around with 'someone like me' as Rachel put it" The whole time I was staring into her eyes, she is so hard to read, but I like that about her.

"San, I do feel the same, I mean yeah you can be rude, Bitchy and mean but that's who you are and I wouldn't change a thing about you, When I saw you walk through the doors of Starbucks I was drawn to you completely, I thought you were truly Georgeous, I am glad I met you and I know we haven't known one another long but waking up next to you everyday, I don't know it just feels so right, I really like you and That's not the reason I gave you a job, You're a great singer and your talent needed to be appreciated, And Rachel just tries to look out for me, She doesn't mean half the things she says, But that doesn't matter because I like you a lot and I would love for you to get to know me better and vice versa" I smiled so wide and hugged her. She hugged me back. We both pulled back from the hug and were gazing at each other.

"Brit, I want to do this right okay, So, Brittany.S.Pierce, Will you go on a date with me?" I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend the right way, not just decide to get together because we feel the same way towards each other.
"Yes, I will go on a date with you" I couldn't contain my excitement and sqealed a little, Don't laugh this would be my first date that I wasn't totally grossed out by.
"Okay, so Friday, at 8 I will take you out" I could actually take her out because my job pays pretty well. She nodded and brought me into another hug. Us hugging was just as good as us kissing. I loved her touch it was warm and breath taking.

Brittany's POV:

I was so excited that Santana actually felt that way. It was cute she wanted to take me on a date before we got together, it would give us a chance to get to know each other I mean yeah we live together and talk all the time but something about going on a date is just so EXCITING. Yeah ive been on dates before but none of them got me hyped like this! I can't wait.


It's short I know I figured the date should be in a different chapter? I don't know if this was good, I lost all my like notes for what was going on and I need to remember them, I'm at school so that's why I don't update til later in the night. I promise other things will happen!!!
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