I Love You

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1 Week Later-Friday

Brittany's POV:

"San! Hurry we are going to be late!" I yelled as I was picking up my bag and swinging it over my shoulder. Santana came walking towards me rolling her eyes.

"Brit, It is only Lady Hummel's, celebration gathering for his new job" I rolled my eyes right back.

"Yes but I told him we would help with food" I said interlocking our hands. She smiled at the gesture.

"I am sure Rachel can cope with that" We was half way out the door when she spun me around and kissed me.

"San, Santana" I muffled into her lips.

"Mmmm" She hummed into mine. I pulled away and smirked at her. She pecked me again on the lips and walked in front of me. Turning over her shoulder she winked and called.

"Later" I raised and eyebrow and followed her. Ever since She told me she loved me she has been more 'intimate' I guess you could say, I don't mind at all, I like it better actually. When I said I felt the same and that I loved her too, That's when we went into the bedroom and had our 'First Time' together.

'Flashback'  4 days ago

We were having a home made dinner she had made for the two of us. I was kind of worried at first, I mean when someone says ' I need to tell you something important' you kind of get a bit scared of what they're going to say right? She placed the food in front of us both and sat down smiling wide. I couldn't help but smile curiously at her. That's when she grabbed my hand and played with it for a few seconds, nervousness hinting on her face.

"Brit, I already told you how I felt about you when we first kissed, How I was instantly attracted to you in Starbucks. But, since that day my feelings have developed, and Brittany, I think, no, I know I am starting to fall madly 'in love' with you, I know it has only been just over 2 weeks but, I can't help the way I feel about you. The crazy things you do and say, I love everything about you. I wanted to tell you my feelings, I couldn't hold it in because I just love you so much. That's what I wanted to tell you tonight" A tear dripped down her cheek, I was smiling so wildly which made her smile, I reached over and wiped the tear away, my hand lingering on her cheek before I pulled it away.

"I know the way you feel San, I feel the same, I love you too. Like you said, The day in Starbucks, I knew you were going to be special too. I love your whole personality, especially your bitchy side" she giggled and I winked before continuing. " and you're Gorgeous, and I love you so much too" She looked at me adoringly, I brought her hand up to my mouth and kissed her knuckles.

She moved her chair around the table so she was closer to me not letting go of my hand.

"I was scared you would think I was moving too fast" She whispered. I shook my head slowly.

"Why do you think I didn't say it sooner?" I raised an eyebrow. She leaned in planting a soft but firm kiss on my lips. She went to pull away but I needed more, Her lips were like a drug in that moment and I couldn't get enough of them. I pulled her back, she didn't hesitate with wrapping her arms around my neck.

I stood up dragging her with me our lips still connect. We were trying to find our way to the bedroom as fast as we could, when we got to the door of the bedroom we finally broke the kiss looking into each others eyes for a few short seconds. Panting a little.

I closed the door and pushed her on the bed, just enough force so that she was laying on her back with her legs hanging off. I straddled her almost instantly kissing her eagerly which she returned. She started to play with the hem of my T-shirt. I sat up looking at her, she had a mixture of: lust passion and love written on her face;
"I love you" She whispered and pulled me back down into a kiss.
"I. Love. You" I mumbled between kisses. 

She flipped us so she was on top, she started kissing my neck which made me moan lightly. I picked at the hem of her Shirt, I started to tug it up seeing if she would object when she didn't I pulled it over her head breaking our contact for a short moment. 

It was my turn to flip us so now I was on top, we had shuffled up the bed so neither of us  were near the edge. I started to kiss her lips gradually going down to her neck, she let a moan escape her lips. my hands roamed her toned stomach, She mirrored my actions by pulling my Shirt over my head. We were both left in shorts and just our bras. I started fidgeting with her button of her shorts. She started to do the same with mine. I got hers open first and started to tug her shorts down till they were near her ankles that was when she kicked them off, she pulled me down by my neck and kissed me.

We flipped again so she was on top, she did the same to me so now my shorts were next to hers on the floor. She started to kiss down my neck unclasping her own bra before doing the same to mine. 

'End of Flash back'

Yeah well you can guess what happened next.

We were now in Rachel and Kurt's apartment greeting some new faces who were at Kurt's new work place. I have to admit, if Kurt hadn't begged me to stay till 9 I would have gone home with in the first 10 Minutes. It was 7:45pm now and this gathering or whatever was pretty blunt. Santana and I were bored out of our minds, talking about one of us should start faking being ill to get out earlier. Sadly Rachel over heard our conversation and butted in saying 'Don't even think about it' That was when San and I knew we was in it till the end.

"Brit its 8:30pm maybe we can sneak out" She whispered in my ear. I nodded and made my way to the door, dragging her behind me. We were opening the door when we heard Kurt yelling our names, but instead of turning around we just went faster, we swung the door open and ran as fast as we could. Giggling so hard. It wasn't even funny it was just the fact we got caught.

Back at Our apartment we got changed into PJ's and sat on the sofa cuddling. Watching 'finding Nemo' It was on the part where Dory was saying 'Just keep swimming'

It was 10pm now and we were half way through 'Toy Story 2' I was getting tired and Santana was too because she yawned and stretched out.

"Lets go to bed" She whispered. I nodded pecking her on the cheek. When we got into bed we cuddled and said goodnight. She was cuddling me from behind, I could sense her smell my hair, which she does all the time. I guess I smell good?

I drifted off to sleep thinking about Santana and how she said the words 'I love you' that first time. Cute.


Totally not related but I have to read 'Animal Farm' for English class and I am so confused Ngl. Has anyone read it?
Also sorry its like really short and I don't know dodgy...My friend Broke my apple Mac so She had to buy me a new one, I haven't set it up yet so I am still using the old one. The problem is it just keeps glitching and going fuzzy....She dropped it, (I was so angry) She offered to buy a new one I said no but she insisted. Just so you don't think I'm a bitch.

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