Date Night

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Santana's POV:

Yesterday was Thursday and we decided to not kiss or anything till our Date Tonight. I couldn't wait, we weren't going to see each other most of the day, She was going to get ready at Rachel's and Kurt's, Both of them were out so she didn't have to explain anything.

I'm going to take Brittany to dinner because It's a traditional date move. After we will go to the movies. It was 7:30pm and I was just finishing putting on my makeup, I am wearing a red skin tight dress that stops mid thigh. My hair straight and just over my shoulders. I can't wait to see Brit.

At Other apartment:

I reached the door and stood there for a second before knocking, I finally knocked and the door opened a minute later, I saw the blonde in front of me looking Gorgeous! She was wearing a blue skin tight strapless dress which stopped just above mid thigh. Her Hair down and curled, She blushed as I was staring so long.

"You look amazing!" I told her as she closed the door and we started walking. She blushed even more.
"Thank you, You look Great yourself" I smiled and looked down. I didn't know weather to take her hand, I mean do people do that on dates? I decided not to.

We got to the restaurant and we sat down at a table in the corner, She truly did look beautiful, I ordered Chicken salad with coke, she ordered the same but with Water. We were talking and having a great time, I got to know so much about her, I found out that she used to have a cat named Lord Tubbington, She is obsessed with duck underwear, She loves chocolate but hates chocolate ice cream on its own. I let myself loose too, Telling her what no one else knew. I definitely am intrigued by her, She's weird, but in the best way. I love it. She also loves Disney movies and makes a lot of references to them. It's adorable. She has a little sister who is 14, She comes to visit now and then.

We had finished dinner and were now waiting for desert, We decided to get a cheesecake and share it. I thought this was a good time to ask her to be my girlfriend now we had gotten to know each other more.

I grabbed her hand and pulled it to the middle of the table, I was stroking the top of it staring into her eyes smiling, She was smiling back with her vibrant blue eyes. I swear they change shades of blue everyday.
"Brit, I had a great time tonight, and I know it isn't over yet but I cant wait any longer to do this. So...Brittany, will you officially be my Girlfriend?" She smiled took my hand in both of hers and replied.
"Yes, I would love to" I leaned over and kissed her, a few moments later our desert came over. We had half each, well I may of taken some from her side because it was so good. She didn't mind though, When we were done we walked out hand in hand. Our finger intertwined, I was smiling like an idiot.

We got to the movies and nothing was on, I didn't really wanna sit through a movie anyway and she wasn't bothered either. We decided to go back to the apartment instead.

Back at the apartment:

we got in and immediately sat on the sofa, I was sitting while Brit was making us hot chocolate, She made the best Hot chocolate and she put marshmallows in the shape of a smiley face which was my favourite thing. We decided to put on Me before You. Half way through the movie we changed into Pyjamas, sweat pants and Tank tops. On the sofa Brit was hugging me while I was playing with her hair. She was crying because the guy in the movie was going to die. I kissed her forehead to comfort her.

Brittany's POV:

San and I were on the sofa watching a movie, I was crying and she kissed me on the forehead, it comforted me, even though it was just a movie.


I groaned as I got up to see who it was, I paused the TV and opened the door.
"Hi, Brittany I need to stay here tonight if that's okay" I nodded and she came in and sat next to Santana on the sofa with her quilt already in PJ's.
"Why do you need to stay here Rach?" I asked sitting on the opposite sofa.
"Kurt and Blaine are fighting and I want no part of it" she said crossing her arms.
"Couldn't you of just stayed in you're room" Santana mirrored her and scoffed.
"Um, last time I checked Santana this was Brittany's home not yours" She had a point I guess.
"Whatever, Berry" I looked to Rachel who was smiling at me.
"Brittany, why haven't you kicked her out yet, hasn't she annoyed you?" I looked to her almost laughing.
"No actually, I like Santana a lot" Rachel looked to me and raised an eyebrow, I looked to San and she nodded as if to say 'You can tell her'
"Santana and I are-" I was cut off by Santana.
"We are getting it on" I choked on air, and Rachel looked like she was going to die.
"What, no, I mean, yes, what, no we have started dating as of today" Santana looked at me holding in her giggles, I rolled my eyes playfully at her.
"Brittany, you're not gay, I mean I would know" She looked at me not disgusted but just surprised.
"Yeah I know I'm not, I just really like Santana, and I guess I am Bi?" She looked to Santana who was smirking at her loving her reaction. Then back to me.
"Right, there is nothing wrong with that but..Her??" Santana looked a little hurt.
"Yes Berry, With me, why is that so hard to believe?" Santana already knew the answer.
"Because you're a bitch, and Brittany isn't" The only thing I could think of saying before Santana blew up was,
"Opposites attract" I smiled and shrugged. I looked to Rachel and pleaded with my eyes to be okay with this. She looked at me knowing what I was saying and hummed quietly.
"Okay, well obviously Brittany likes you so I am going to have to except that, I am happy for you Brittany" She turned to Santana, looked her deep in the eyes glaring at her and said,
"Don't hurt her, or I will hurt you" Santana knew she meant it so didn't try giving a witty comeback.
"I would never hurt Brit" She smiled at me which made me smile.

We all talked a bit more, well Rachel and I talked Santana kind of just sat there rolling her eyes at Rachel complain about her Broadway 'Friends' I found it funny how Santana would act like she doesn't care but is listening attentively.

We said our Good Nights to Rachel and headed toward the bedroom, We got into bed and faced each other, she grabbed my face and pulled me into a passionate kiss.
"I've wanted to do that sinse the first night" I smiled and leaned in again. We were kissing for a while before Rachel Came in.
"Guys can I-" She covered her eyes.
"God Berry, WHAT?!" Santana seemed so pissed. I giggled.
"Can you what Rach?" she pulled her hands away.
"Can I sleep in the bed, the Sofa is hurting me" Santana's eyes pleaded me to say no.
"Sure Rach" I ignored San's Glare and made her move over.
"Thank you" It went Santana Me and then Rachel.
"Night everyone" They said Night back and I moved closer to Santana putting my arm around her. It was my turn to cuddle her, I put one leg over her torso and the top of my head in the crook of her neck. She nestled into me. I lifted up and whispered in her ear
"I'm Sorry, the Sofa is very uncomfortable though" I felt her smile and said
"its okay as long as you stay right here" I put my head back down.
"You guys are cute" Santana laughed.
"But no sex while I'm here" I kicked her with the leg that wasn't on Santana. I felt Santana laugh again.
"Ouuhh, Fine whatever Night"

We all Fell asleep after that. I am glad Rachel was okay in the end with our Relationship I have a feeling it is going to be long term.

Mehhhh, was it okay, I know it's a bit slow ATM but, it will get better like people are coming in like Brit's sister..So keep reading? Also I just got Naya's book on my Kindle...<3 Please vote! and comment.

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