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Santana's POV:

She left. She left me in an empty apartment confused alone and without and explanation. I didn't want to push her but, she has done this twice now. Just shut off, when something bad or overwhelming happens she freezes. And then just comes back like nothing has happened. She did this first with Dave when she said she was fine and wanted to go to work. But this time. I don't know something was different. She had never snapped at me before or been blunt. I had to admit it was a new side of her. Everyone has a right to be irritated however the way she left, left me curious. I left to go to Rachel's.

Brittany's POV:

When I got to Rachel's apartment I didn't bother knocking I just walked straight in I text her on the way over so she knew I was coming.

"Brittany, what's wrong? Why the sudden need to see me?" I looked her deep in the eyes, trying to signal somehow the feeling.
"Stuck?" Is all she said before she ran over to me and pulled me to the sofa. I nodded.
"Where is Kurt?" I asked not wanting him to see me so emotionless.
"Out with Blaine for the night, what brought this on?" She asked stroking my back.
"My Father wasn't excepting of San and I, My Mother was but when he went to slap Santana I stepped in front and got caught" I turned to the side to show Rachel my marked cheek. She gasped.
"Oh Brittany I am sorry" I shrugged.
"I just feel 'stuck' in the emotion of 'I don't care' I started thinking about Dave and totally zoned out. I didn't even realise an hour had passed. I thought it was just a few Minutes, I wasn't even upset about what my dad had said about San and I being freaks." She nodded obviously thinking what strategy to use to get me out of this 'I don't care' port hole.

"Brittany, how is Santana?" I looked at her, how is this going to help.
"I don't know, why?" She shrugged.
"I mean did you just leave her?" I nodded.
"Yeah, I needed to get out of the blunt state, so I left, what's the problem?" I questioned.
"How do you think she feels you just leaving, probably leaving her confused. Alone" I looked down, then back up. My eyes just staring at her emotionless.
"Well, she probably feels confused and alone, you basically answered your own question" I said plainly. She raised her eyebrows.
" I think you should break up with her, I mean you have no trust in your relationship, and you cant even stay with her and try get through this situation with her" I nodded.
"Yeah maybe" She slouched in her seat defeated that, that didn't make me feel any other emotion.

Santana's POV:

I was standing just outside the door when I heard what Brittany and Rachel just said. I busted through the door, totally taken back.

"Oh hey San" Brittany greeted me with a dead wave. I stared at her for a second.
"So you want to break up with me?! You don't trust me?" I said my eyes starting to tear up, but I sucked it up and looked straight.
"I didn't say that" She said looking at Rachel. Rachel looked at me with pleading eyes to not say anything I will regret.
"What ever see you later Brittany" I turned for the door when Rachel grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward her bedroom, I looked back to Brittany who was just staring at the plain White wall.

"What Berry, She doesn't want me here" I said sadly folding my arms.
"No Santana, she does, I mean, not right now but she will soon" I glared at her.
"Start making sense Dwarf!" I snarled taking a step backward.
"She goes through a phase, we called it 'Stuck' because she gets stuck in a certain type of emotion until someone pulls her out. She zones out, she gets this when something is too upsetting, overwhelming or Hard, in high school when she was with Dave she went through it a lot or when she was in math class and she just couldn't get the deal with X" I nodded urging her to continue.
"She is going through the 'I don't care' emotion, so she didn't mean the 'yeah maybe' to breaking up with you, she's just trying to block out her emotions she obviously feels about the way her dad reacted and memories of Dave, understand?" I looked at her for a bit processing. but finally nodded.

We went back into the room and seated ourselves opposite Brittany. Who hadn't noticed our presence until Rachel tapped her knee, startling her.
"Brit, Hey" I said, trying to find her eyes.
"Hi, Rach have you got anything to eat like chocolate?" Rachel shook her head.
"Brit, what's going on, you are acting strange" I earned a glare from Rachel.
"Don't know, Why are you here though, you hate Rachel" I went to sit next to her on the sofa grabbing her hands.
"I came to get you, because I want to make you feel happy" I stated looking at Rachel. She nodded as if to say keep going. but Brittany said something,
"I don't like feeling, It hurts too much, this is laid back and chill" She nodded her head slowly.
"Rachel do you mind making us some Coffee?" I tilted my head to the kitchen. Rachel nodded and walked out.

"Brit, look at me: Don't turn away, or look in the opposite direction; just look at me" She ignored me so I gripped her face and made her look at me.
"I want you to feel, You need to get through this, with feeling, otherwise you wont be able to fully recover, I know it brought back memories and that's okay. Also, I know you care what your dad thinks because he is your dad" I went on rambling keeping eye contact with her the whole time, searching for a sign of emotion, I found my sign when a single tear dripped down her cheek.

"San" She choked out, I brought her into a hug and she cried. Much like the night with Dave. Rachel came in and walked back out leaving us alone. 5 Minutes later she started to talk.
"You're right I can't just block everything out when it gets hard. I need to face it, I am sorry I didn't ask you for help, its just usually Rachel can help me. Its weird because its like I want help to get out the situation, like that's what I think in my brain but then what comes out my mouth is something completely different" I embraced her in another hug saying ' I understand' and ' don't be sorry'

After about an hours conversation of how she really felt on Rachel's sofa we went home. I found out another part of Brittany's personality today, She is always surprising. I am glad now she feels she can talk to me more about things. We got into bed and snuggled together.

"Thank-You Santana" She whispered into my chest.
"Always here Brittany" I muffled into the top of her head.

Its currently 02:30am. where I live...just saying.

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